Om författaren
Dingyü Xue received his BSc, MSc and D Phil from Shenyang University of Technology, P. R. China in 1985, Northeastern University, PRC in 1988 and Sussex University, UK in1992, respectively. He has been in the faculty of Department of Automatic Control since 1993 and was promoted to a Professor in1997, Northeastern University. He is now the Fellow of System Simulation Society of China (SSSC), vice-director of Education Committee of SSSC, President of Liaoning Provincial System Simulation Association.
From 1988, while he was doing research work towards a D Phil in Sussex University, UK, he began utilizing MATLAB as the main tooland developed several commercial programs using MATLAB. Especially, since he took up the post in Northeastern University, heconcentrated on the reform of the course of computer aided controlsystems design and introduced MATLAB as the main tool in thecourse. The book ’Computer aided control systems design using MATLAB’ by Tsinghua University Press in 1996 has been acknowledgedas the first thorough introduction to MATLAB in conjunction withcontrol systems in China. A series of books on the topic has beenpublished in Tsinghua University Press since and earned the authorgood reputation among the Chinese readers world wide. The book hasbeen cited by thousands of books and journal papers in China. He isthe author of two books in English, ’Feedback Linear Control, analysis and design with MATLAB’ (SIAM, 2007) and ’Solving appliedmathematical problems with MATLAB’ (CRC, 2008).
The major research interest of Professor Xue covers the areas of CACSD, systems simulation, system modelling and identification. Hehas published many papers and books and developed a freelydownloadable MATLAB based feedback control systems analysis anddesign tool Ctrl LAB.
Yang Quan Chen joined the School of Engineering at the University of California, Merced in Fall 2012 where he formallyteaches Mechatronics and Fractional Order Mechanics. He founded the MESA Lab (Mechatronics, Embedded Systems and Automation) withresearch emphasis and excellence in Unmanned Aerial Systems and UAV-based Personal Remote Sensing, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Modeling and Control of Renewable Energy Systems, Mechatronics, and Applied Fractional Calculus (AFC). Heearned his Ph.D. in 1998 from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. From 2000-2012, Dr. Chen was a faculty member at Utah State University (USU) where he directed the CSOIS (Center for Self-Organizing and Intelligent Systems) from 2004-2012. The most important award he received was the’Relationship Counselor’ award from USU Student Branch of IEEE for’explaining human relationships with control theory.’ He is arecipient of IFAC Best Journal Paper Award (Control Engineering Practice) at 2011 IFAC World Congress. He is a member of theeditorial board for several leading journals such as Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, IFAC Control Engineering Practice, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, IFAC Mechatronics, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, and ISA Transactions.He is the Topic Editor-in-Chief of Field Robotics for International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems and he isalso a founding editorial board member for Unmanned Systems(World Scientific). His most recent monographs are’Distributed-Order Dynamic Systems: Stability, Simulation, Applications and Perspectives’ (with Z. Jiao and I. Podlubny, Springer, 2012), ’Fractional Order Motion Controls’ (with Y. Luo, Wiley, 2012), ’Remote Sensing and Actuation Using Unmanned Vehicles’, (with H. Chao, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2012) and ’System Simulation Techniques with MATLAB and Simulink’ (with D. Xue, Wiley, 2013).