Offers suggestions for approaching Hegel’s most difficult and important work.
Reputed to be one of the most difficult yet rewarding works of philosophical literature, Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit has long been in need of an introduction for English readers. Without using jargon or technical terms, Donald Phillip Verene provides that introduction, guiding the reader through Hegel’s text as a whole and offering a way to grasp the major insights and sections of Hegel’s text without oversimplifying its narrative. A glossary of sixty of Hegel’s terms, discussed in both their original German and English equivalents, is included.
1. Hegel’s Preface: Reflection versus Speculation
2. Hegel’s ’Introduction’: The Double Ansich
3. Hegel’s Reason: A Digression
4. Hegel’s System: Dialectic of ’Andness’
5. The Beginning of the Phenomenology
6. Force, Understanding, and the Inverted World
7. Self-Consciousness of Masterhood and Servitude
8. Unhappy Consciousness
9. On Reading the Second ’Half’ of the Phenomenology: An Overview of Reason and Spirit
10. Absolute Knowing
Appendix. Hegel’s Terminology
Works Cited
Om författaren
Donald Phillip Verene is Charles Howard Candler Professor of Metaphysics and Moral Philosophy at Emory University and past president of the Hegel Society of America. His many books include Vico and Joyce and Hegel’s Recollection: A Study of Images in the Phenomenology of Spirit, both also published by SUNY Press.