Författare: Donna A. Buchanan

Donna A. Buchanan is associate professor of music at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, where she is also the Director of the Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center. She is the author of Performing Democracy: Bulgarian Music and Musicians in Transition (2006).

3 E-böcker av Donna A. Buchanan

Donna A. Buchanan: Soundscapes from the Americas
Dedicated to the late Gerard Béhague (1937-2005), whose pioneering work in Latin American music, popular culture, and performance studies contributed extensively to ethnomusicological discourse in …
Donna A. Buchanan: Soundscapes from the Americas
Dedicated to the late Gerard Béhague (1937-2005), whose pioneering work in Latin American music, popular culture, and performance studies contributed extensively to ethnomusicological discourse in …