The rise of new powers such as China and India is sending shockwaves through the global multilateral system. This volume systematically examines how 13 multilateral institutions are responding to this shift, with some deploying innovative outreach and reform activities, while others are paralyzed by gridlock or even retreat from the global scene.
PART I: INTRODUCTION 1. Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions: Analytical Framework and Findings; Dries Lesage and Thijs Van de Graaf 2. The State of the Art: Studying the Rising Powers and Multilateral Organizations; Gregory T. Chin PART II: EXCLUSIVE WESTERN CLUBS 3. Rising Powers, Rising Europe, and the Future of NATO; Sven Biscop 4. From ’Club of the Rich’ to ’Globalization à la Carte’? Evaluating Reform at the OECD; Judith Clifton and Daniel Diaz-Fuentes 5. The IEA, the New Energy Order, and the Future of Global Energy Governance; Thijs Van de Graaf 6. Rising Powers and Transnational Private Governance: The International Accounting Standards Board; Andreas Nölke 7. Going Global: The G8’s Adaptation to Rising Powers; John J. Kirton PART III: GLOBAL INSTITUTIONS, UNEQUAL GOVERNANCE 8. The United Nations Security Council: The Challenge of Reform; Madeleine O. Hosli and Thomas Dörfler 9. IMF: Rising Powers and IMF Governance Reform; Dries Lesage, Peter Debaere, Sacha Dierckx and Mattias Vermeiren 10. Protecting Power: How Western States Retain Their Dominant Voice in the World Bank’s Governance; Robert H. Wade and Jakob Vestergaard PART IV: GLOBAL INSTITUTIONS, EQUAL GOVERNANCE 11. China as a System Preserving Power in the WTO; James Scott and Rorden Wilkinson 12. Tigers and Dragons at the World Intellectual Property Organization; Jean-Frédéric Morin and Sara Bannerman 13. Rising Powers in Global Climate Governance: Negotiating Inside and Outside the UNFCCC; Sander Happaerts 14. Emerging Countries and the Convention on Biological Diversity; Amandine Orsini and Rozenn Nakanabo Diallo 15. The G20 and Rising Powers: An Innovative But Awkward Form of Multilateralism; Andrew Cooper
Om författaren
Sara Bannerman, Mc Master University, Canada Sven Biscop, Royal Institute for International Relations, Belgium Gregory T. Chin, York University, Canada Judith Clifton, University of Cantabria, Spain Andrew F. Cooper, University of Waterloo, Canada Peter Debaere, Ghent University, Belgium Rozenn N. Diallo, Sciences Po Bordeaux, France Daniel Diaz-Fuentes, University of Cantabria, Spain Sacha Dierckx, Ghent University, Belgium Thomas Dörfler, Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, Germany Sander Happaerts, KU Leuven, Belgium Madeleine O. Hosli, Leiden University, the Netherlands John Kirton, University of Toronto, Canada Dries Lesage, Ghent University, Belgium Jean-Frédéric Morin, Laval University, Canada Andreas Nölke, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany Amandine Orsini, Université St Louis in Brussels, Belgium James Scott, King’s College London, UK Thijs Van de Graaf, Ghent University, Belgium Mattias Vermeiren, Ghent University, Belgium Jakob Vestergaard, Danish Institute of International Studies (DIIS), Denmark Robert H. Wade, London School of Economics, UK Rorden Wilkinson, University of Sussex, UK