Guard your title, guard your mind. Lest they be forfeit.
’What would you do if the thing you cherished most in the worlds, the coruscate gem of your life, was taken from you?’ The hobgoblin asked.
Eris considered it heavily. ’You speak as if I will ever love something enough for it to be a weakness.’
’If a liar and a thief managed to get their spiralled horns on that which you most coveted, most desired, most loved, what would you do to get it back in your possession?’ She spoke in riddles. ’I think you will always be distracted with thoughts of the beautiful fox.’
’No.’ He stated adamantly, letting her touch him. ’I will never think of the fox, nor her wellbeing.’
The raffish hobgoblin inhaled deeply. ’One day, Princeling, you will think differently. And the gadarene fox will become the most important thing to you in all of the world. She will become your weakness and your downfall. When that day comes, do everything in your might to protect her, or else.’
He grimaced at her vague threat. ’Or else?’
She frowned. ’Or else, you will lose her.’