“Science of Man” in Heidegger’s Zollikon Seminars was meant to serve as the foundation of the Daseinsanalyse in order to develop a new kind of psychoanalytic therapy, designed by Heidegger and to be implemented by Medard Boss. The present book investigates the scope of the Daseinsanalyse and its model for a new “science”, which could follow either the path of serenity or the one of experience, producing by this means two different kinds of therapy: one turned to the transformation of man into Da-sein, the other dealing primarily with man suffering and ontic problems. To achieve this purpose, one will have to find out how Heidegger defines “science”, “man”, “anthropology” and “science of man” itself.
Furthermore, the author suggests that a good example of how a daseinsanalytic approach to psychoanalysis could work is to be found in an ontic therapy, like the psychoanalysis of Winnicott.
Table of Contents
The Black Notebooks and their Relationship with the Daseinsanalyse
Heidegger’s Being-historical Anti-Semitism
Relighting the Fire
Reverberation and Philosophical Narrative
Chapter I
Clash with Science
Early reviews: science in the strict Sense
Philosophy as a Science of the Existential
Science of Being
Philosophy separated from Science
The ’mathematical’ Project of Science
The Exactness of Science
Science deals with the Real
Science in the Sphere of Technology
Two paths for Science
Chapter II
Variations on the Concept of Man
From the ’Man’ to Dasein
Dasein, a Privileged Being
A Look at the Existential Structures of Dasein
Dasein in Man
Man: Being-with-the-other
Man Builder of the World
Paths in a Desert
Retrieve as the Revolt of Man
Signs of Violence
The Decision of Man
The Will to Will of Man
Chapter III
Science of Man: First Paths
Didactics of Thinking
The Role of Fundamental Ontology
The Failure of Sciences
Measuring and Calculating in Science
Research on Man
Involvement as a Method
Searching for a Path
Getting involved as a Method
Research according to Dasein
The Co-belongig of Da-sein and Man
Structural Presuppositions of Daseinsanalyse
The Contribution of Medard Boss
Two Paths to the Science of Man
Chapter IV
Daseinsanalyse as a Meditative Therapy for the Transformation of Man
Science of Experience: Applied Psychoanalysis of Winnicott
About the Author