Garden Ponds, Fountains & Waterfalls for Your Home provides essential information on designing and installing all types of home water gardens, from naturalistic to formal, plus fountains, waterfalls, streams, and bog gardens. Readers will learn how to construct each of these structures, as well as how to design bridges and stepping-stones.
Garden Ponds, Fountains & Waterfalls for Your Home
Table of Contents
Chapter One PLANNING YOUR PONDConsidering Your Lifestyle Siting Your Water Feature Size and Styles
Chapter Two BUILDING YOUR PONDLiners Edging Options Designing the Pond Configuration Making a Site Plan
PART II Design and Build Chapter Three POND FOUNDATIONSSpecial Sites Installing a Flexible Liner Planting-Shelf Options Extra Support for Pond Foundations Optional Cement Overliner Installing a Preformed Shell
Chapter Four STREAMS & WATERFALLSDesign Pointers Choosing and Buying a Liner Choosing a Pump for Moving Water Plumbing Your Moving Water Feature Installing a Lined Watercourse Installing a Preformed Watercourse
Chapter Five FOUNTAINS & LIGHTChoosing Fountains Spray Fountains Statuary Fountains Lighting
Chapter Six BRIDGES & STONESWooden Bridges Stepping-Stones
PART III Enhancing Your Pond
Chapter Seven CREATING A WET LAND OR BOG GARDENA Pondside Wetland or Bog Garden A Freestanding Wetland Garden Filling Your Wetland Garden Specialized Plants for Bogs
Chapter Eight POND CRITTERSFish Choosing Your Fish Water Quality Bringing Fish Home Fish Predators Other Water-Loving Creatures Attracting Birds
PART IV Maintaining Your Garden
Chapter Nine WATER QUALITYA Pond’s Life Controlling Algae Balancing a New Pond Filtration
Chapter Ten MAINTENANCERoutine Seasonal Tasks Troubleshooting
PART V Selecting Your Plants
Chapter Eleven PLANT ENCYCLOPEDIAChoosing Plants Beware of Invasive Plants Submerged Plants, or Oxygenators Floating Plants Water Lilies Lotuses Marginal Plants Plants for the Periphery
Appendix AN APPRECIATION OF THE PASTEarly Civilization Persia and Islam The Orient Ancient Greece, Rome, and the Renaissance France England Mid-to-Late 1800s Modern Water Gardens
Zone Maps
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