Jonathan O. Chimakonam Ph.D, was a senior lecturer (2016-2018) at the University of Calabar, Nigeria and is now at the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He is the convener of the professional African philosophy society, The Conversational School of Philosophy (CSP) and the founding editor of Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions. He is winner of the Jens Jacobsen Research Award for Outstanding Research in Philosophy. He is the African philosophy Area Editor in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Jonathan propounded the theories of Ezumezu logic and Conversational thinking.
Edwin Etieyibo, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of the Witwatersrand. He received his Ph D from the Department of Philosophy, University of Alberta, writing a dissertation on David Gauthier’s Moral Contractarianism and the Problem of Secession, which presents a critical examination of Gauthier’s account of morality that links rationality with preferences explained by expected utility. He taught for a number of years at Athabasca University and the University of Alberta before moving to the University of the Witwatersrand. His teaching and research interest broadly covers ethics, social and political philosophy, social contract theories, history of philosophy, philosophy of education and children, and African socio-political economics and philosophy.
Ike Odimegwu, Ph D. is a Professor of Philosophy at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. He is widely published in learned journals and international presses. He is currently the Dean of Postgraduate School at his university.
7 E-böcker av Edwin Etieyibo
Edwin Etieyibo & Odirin Omiegbe: Disabilities in Nigeria
The book examines issues of disabilities in Nigeria focusing on attitudes and reactions to people with disabilities within the context of practices perpetuating the treatment of people with disabilit …
Edwin Etieyibo: Decolonisation, Africanisation and the Philosophy Curriculum
This book, appropriately titled Decolonisation, Africanisation and the Philosophy Curriculum, signposts and captures issues about philosophy, the philosophy curriculum, and its decolonisation and Afr …
Edwin Etieyibo: Decolonisation, Africanisation and the Philosophy Curriculum
This book, appropriately titled Decolonisation, Africanisation and the Philosophy Curriculum, signposts and captures issues about philosophy, the philosophy curriculum, and its decolonisation and Afr …
Edwin Etieyibo & Polycarp Ikuenobe: Menkiti on Community and Becoming a Person
Ifeanyi Menkiti’s articulation of an African conception of personhoodespecially in ’;Person and Community in African Traditional Thought’ has become very influential in African philosophy. Menkiti on …
Jonathan O. Chimakonam & Edwin Etieyibo: Essays on Contemporary Issues in African Philosophy
This volume is a collection of chapters about contemporary issues within African philosophy. They are issues African philosophy must grapple with to demonstrate its readiness to make a stand against …
Anke Graneß & Edwin Etieyibo: African Philosophy in an Intercultural Perspective
African philosophy under the specific conditions of a colonial and postcolonial world is – at least since the 20th century if not even earlier – inherently intercultural. The aim and target of the vo …
Edwin Etieyibo: Case for Environmental Justice
Issues of the environment and its sustainability are linked to those of global warming, climate change and loss of biodiversity. This is so because there is a general consensus in the scientific comm …