The issue is not the issue. What does that mean? Here is an illustration. This is the scenario. Your vehicle is not running smoothly and you realize something is wrong. You wonder if the issue is an electrical issue or could it be a fuel issue. You assume that it is an electrical issue but it turns out that the ’real’ issue is a fuel issue. So, the electrical issue is not the issue. Conversely, you assumed it was a fuel issue but it turns out the ’real’ was an electrical issue. The assumed issue was not the issue.
This book is divided into three parts and each part is presented with an issue is not the issue format. I seek to identify the assumed or presented issue and then through exploration of Scripture discover the ’real’ issue. Part 1 concerns issues involving the supernatural. Part 2 looks at issues concerning the process that God uses to grow believers in Christ-likeness. Part 3 explores the issue of leadership in the church of Jesus Christ and who is in charge.
Often there can be tension between the assumed issue and the ’real’ issue. We look at this tension and some of the reasons for it. The readers are invited to evaluate and contemplate about the issue is not the issue.
At the beginning of each part of the book, I have given what I have called a preamble. My purpose in doing this is to reveal to the reader the basic principles upon which I have sought to base my writing. These are personal principles and guidance for me. I heard or read this saying, ’We have our beliefs but are convictions have us.’ This preamble is my conviction and it has me.