This collected book is about the edu Lab projects, an initiative with focus on Scaling Change through Apprenticising and Ecological Leadership, designed to surface and spread ground-up information and communication technology-based pedagogical innovations. It presents the goals and rationale behind edu Lab, an overview of the research projects conducted by its principal investigators during its funding tenure, as well as synthesizing thoughts on the entire endeavor. This book not only marks the achievements of the edu Lab programme but also serves as inspiration for future projects. It presents Singapore education in action – a continually evolving and adapting education system that delivers a system well known for its high quality as much as it is forward-looking.
1. The Singapore education system and the SCAEL framework of change.- 2. An overview of projects – surveyed by meta study.- 3. Unique proposition of the Singapore system for the diffusion of innovations.- 4. Makerspaces and teacher led maker interventions integrating formal and informal learning.- 5. Virtual reality for spatial intelligence and artistic literacies.- 6. Argumentation in science inquiry.- 7. Smile – encouraging questioning.- 8. Wiread, covva, and group work buddy.- 9. Knowledge building community and the networks formed by schools.- 10. Worlds in the pocket (types of diffusion and the complexities).- 11. Seamless learning.- 12. Lateral networks forged by system brokers.- 13. Leadership from the (system) middle.- 14. Conclusion: Eco-localization.
Om författaren
David Hung is currently Dean of Office of Education Research and a Professor at the National Institute of Education, Singapore with teaching and research interests in learning, in particular, social cultural orientations to cognition and communities of practice. He has conducted research in Learning and Instructional Technologies, Constructivism and Social Constructivism, Learning in Communities of Practice in recent years.
Elizabeth Koh is Assistant Dean (Research Support) and Senior Research Scientist at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Her research interests are in 21st century competencies, computer-supported collaborative learning, learning analytics, formative assessment and education innovations. She has conducted research in many schools, partnering teachers and education officers in co-designing research innovations to empower and improve practice.