Share Jesus with Your LDS Friends and Family One of our greatest challenges as Christians is sharing the truth with those who believe they’ve already found it. When witnessing to current or former members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it’s essential that you can compassionately delineate biblical teachings from Mormon doctrine while tactfully advocating for Christ.For every believer who prays for loved ones in the LDS Churchor loved ones who gave up on religi...
Share Jesus with Your LDS Friends and Family One of our greatest challenges as Christians is sharing the truth with those who believe they’ve already found it. When witnessing to current or former members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, it’s essential that you can compassionately delineate biblical teachings from Mormon doctrine while tactfully advocating for Christ.For every believer who prays for loved ones in the LDS Churchor loved ones who gave up on religion after leaving Mormonism Introducing Christianity to Mormons is the guidebook you need to witness to them. Inside, you’ll find real-life conversations that give you helpful ideas for what to say in your discussionscontrast points between Mormonism and Christianity that illuminate God’s truthbiblical apologetics that allow you to minister to former LDS members wounded by their experience with the Church Get ready to present the case for Christianity with confidence and grace. This book will empower you to share your faith and give you the language to do so effectively with people in the Mormon community.