Författare: Erica Johnson

Erica L. Johnson is Associate Professor of English at Wagner College in New York. She is author of Caribbean Ghostwriting and Home, Maison, Casa: The Politics of Location in Works by Jean Rhys, Marguerite Duras, and Erminia Dell”Oro. Patricia Moran is author of Word of Mouth: Body/Language in Katherine Mansfield and Virginia Woolf and Virginia Woolf, Jean Rhys, and the Aesthetics of Trauma, and editor (with Tamar Heller) of Scenes of the Apple: Food and the Female Body in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Women”s Writing.

7 E-böcker av Erica Johnson

Erica L. Johnson & Patricia Moran: The Female Face of Shame
The female body, with its history as an object of social control, expectation, and manipulation, is central to understanding the gendered construction of shame. Through the study of 20th-century lite …
Charles E. Ziegler: Civil Society and Politics in Central Asia
The five Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan constitute an area of increasing importance in global politics. The region currently serves as the ma …
Bryan A. Banks & Erica Johnson: The French Revolution and Religion in Global Perspective
This volume examines the French Revolution’s relationship with and impact on religious communities and religion in a transnational perspective. It challenges the traditional secular narrative of the …
Charles E. Ziegler: Civil Society and Politics in Central Asia
The five Central Asian states of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan constitute an area of increasing importance in global politics. The region currently serves as the ma …
Erica Johnson: Change The World, Right, …How Do I Do That Again?
Change The World…you’ve heard that phrase uttered many times, ritght? But HOW do you actually Do that? THIS book will tell you how! Short, light-hearted, and to the point, Change The World, RIght.. …
Birgit Emich & Andreas Fahrmeir: Revolution. Reaktion. Religion
Kaum ein Begriff ist in der Geschichtsschreibung und -theorie des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts so sehr in den Dienst einer Fortschrittserzählung gestellt und mit Erwartungen von Rationalisierung und Säku …
Birgit Emich & Andreas Fahrmeir: Revolution. Reaktion. Religion
Kaum ein Begriff ist in der Geschichtsschreibung und -theorie des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts so sehr in den Dienst einer Fortschrittserzählung gestellt und mit Erwartungen von Rationalisierung und Säku …