Shifting faculty roles in a changing landscape
Ernest L. Boyer’s landmark book Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate challenged the publish-or-perish status quo that dominated the academic landscape for generations. His powerful and enduring argument for a new approach to faculty roles and rewards continues to play a significant part of the national conversation on scholarship in the academy.
Though steeped in tradition, the role of faculty in the academic world has shifted significantly in recent decades. The rise of the non-tenure-track class of professors is well documented. If the historic rule of promotion and tenure is waning, what role can scholarship play in a fragmented, unbundled academy? Boyer offers a still much-needed approach. He calls for a broadened view of scholarship, audaciously refocusing its gaze from the tenure file and to a wider community.
This expanded edition offers, in addition to the original text, a critical introduction that explores the impact of Boyer’s views, a call to action for applying Boyer’s message to the changing nature of faculty work, and a discussion guide to help readers start a new conversation about how Scholarship Reconsidered applies today.
About Ernest L. Boyer vii
About the Editors ix
About the Contributors xi
Editors’ Acknowledgments xv
A Note to the Reader xvii
Foreword: Scholarship Reconsidered’s Influence in Later Carnegie Foundation Work xxi
Mary Taylor Huber
The Origins of Scholarship Reconsidered 3
Drew Moser and Todd C. Ream
Boyer’s Impact on Faculty Development 13
Andrea L. Beach
The Influence of Scholarship Reconsidered on Institutional Types and Academic Disciplines 19
John M. Braxton
Scholarship Reconsidered’s Impact on Doctoral and Professional Education 31
Ann E. Austin and Melissa Mc Daniels
How Scholarship Reconsidered Disrupted the Promotion and Tenure System 41
Kerry Ann O’Meara
Acknowledgments 49
Scholarship over Time 55
Enlarging the Perspective 67
The Faculty: A Mosaic of Talent 77
The Creativity Contract 91
The Campuses: Diversity with Dignity 99
A New Generation of Scholars 109
Scholarship and Community 117
Appendix A: National Survey of Faculty (1989) 123
Appendix B: Technical Notes 157
Appendix C: Carnegie Classifications 159
Afterword: Advancing the Conversation around Scholarship Reconsidered 161
Cynthia A. Wells
Discussion Guide 167
Notes 173
Index 195
Om författaren
ERNEST L. BOYER (1928-1995) was commissioner of education under President Jimmy Carter and served for 16 years as president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
DREW MOSER is dean of experiential learning and associate professor of higher education at Taylor University.
TODD C. REAM is professor of higher education at Taylor University and research fellow with Baylor University’s Institute for Studies of Religion. He is the coauthor of Christian Faith and Scholarship: An Exploration of Contemporary Developments, from Jossey-Bass.
JOHN M. BRAXTON is professor of higher education at Vanderbilt University. He is the editor of Analyzing Faculty Work and Rewards: Using Boyer’s Four Domains of Scholarship and Rethinking College Student Retention, both from Jossey-Bass.