Författare: Eva L. Feldman

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Grisold, Vienna, Austria Eva L. Feldman, M.D., Ph.D., Ann Arbor, MI, US James W Russell M.B., Ch.B., M.S., Baltimore, MD, US Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Loescher, Innsbruck, Austria

4 E-böcker av Eva L. Feldman

Eva L. Feldman & Wolfgang Grisold: Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases
The atlas is a comprehensive outline of neuromuscular diseases, written by experienced American and European authors. It discusses all aspects of neuromuscular disorders including the cranial nerves, …
Eva L. Feldman & Wolfgang Grisold: Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases
This atlas presents a comprehensive outline of neuromuscular diseases, written by respected American and European authors. It discusses all aspects of neuromuscular disorders including cranial and sp …
Eva L. Feldman & Jeffrey M. P. Holly: IGF and Nutrition in Health and Disease
A benchmark review on how specific nutrients or adverse nutritional states impact the components of the IGF (Insulin-like Growth Factor) system and affect human health and disease. The authors descri …
Eva L. Feldman & James W. Russell: Atlas of Neuromuscular Diseases
This atlas offers a comprehensive overview of neuromuscular diseases. It discusses all aspects of neuromuscular disorders, including general tools, the cranial and spinal nerves, the nerve plexus, pe …