Författare: Evelyn Mooney

Evelyn Palmer Mooney After teaching young children for many years, Evelyn became inspired by the book, Why Johnny Can’t Read, and began her commitment to explore how one learns to read. While teaching in Germany and Japan in Department of Defense schools, she developed a technique and a plan for teaching reading, employing phonics as a basis. In Beirut, Lebanon, when she was teaching at the American School, Evelyn began to pilot her program in her classroom. Immediately, she noted remarkable success, with students beginning to read with confidence. While residing in Camp Le Jeune, NC, Evelyn took the bold step and had her material printed. Many teachers, tutors, and parents have used See Me Read and the companion Handbook for the Teaching of Reading since then with great success. Evelyn finished her teaching career with the Dependents’ School System in Quantico, VA. During this time, she continued to use her method to teach with continuing success, and she inspired numerous teaching professionals to adopt the program as part of their teaching curriculum. Evelyn’s commitment to teach reading followed her into retirement where, as a volunteer, she taught adults to read using the See Me Read materials. Evelyn’s method continues to be a valuable resource to anyone involved in teaching reading. She has finally decided to make this body of work available to a larger audience so that others may continue to teach students to be successful readers. Jenny Edwards, Ph D Jenny has taught at the elementary, middle school, and university levels. She served in staff development in Jefferson County Schools in Denver, Colorado, for four years and was involved in mentoring first- and second-year teachers and presenting seminars. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville (UTK), specializing in early childhood education; a Master of Science degree in elementary education from UTK, specializing in reading; and a doctorate in human and organizational systems from Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, California. Jenny currently teaches doctoral students in the School of Educational Leader-ship and Change at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara. She also leads seminars on Cognitive Coaching SM, Adaptive Schools, Callahan’s Thought Field Therapy®, and other topics. She has presented seminars in French, Spanish, Italian, and English in 17 countries. She has also written Inviting Students to Learn: 100 Tips for Talking Effectively with Your Students (ASCD, 2010), Time to Teach: How Do I Get Organized and Work Smarter? (ASCD Arias, 2014), and Cognitive Coaching: A Synthesis of the Research (11th ed., Thinking Collabora¬tive, 2014). Jenny can be reached by e-mail at [email protected] and [email protected]

1 E-böcker av Evelyn Mooney

Evelyn Mooney & Jenny Edwards: See Me Read
In See Me Read: A Phonetic Approach for Teaching Beginning Readers of All Ages, Evelyn Palmer Mooney provides a time-tested method for teaching students of all ages to read, Pre-K through adult. Base …