Författare: Faith Cooper

Faith Cooper has ministered in various prayer settings forseveral years. The anguish she has seen in the lives of thosecaught up in addictive behaviors encouraged her to trust the Lord to help her write this book. Having taught in Christianschools for over twenty years, she realized that she had agift of applying biblical truths to everyday situations thatare thoughtful, encouraging, and loving.

2 E-böcker av Faith Cooper

S.M. & Brian Paone: A Matter of Words
From Scout Media comes A Matter of Words—the first volume in an ongoing short story anthology series featuring authors from all over the world. In this first installation, no limits were set on genre …
Faith Cooper: Walk with Jesus Out of Addiction
This one-year daily devotional will lead you down the path to healing and restoration. The Lord Jesus is your Hero, your Savior. He saves all those who come to Him. He will not condemn you, nor will …