”whurley” is the founder and CEO of Strangeworks, a startup that makes the power of quantum computing easily accessible and available to all. He is also co-author of Quantum Computing For Babies.
Floyd Smith is a tech communicator and longtime For Dummies author, who has most notably written several editions of the bestselling Creating Web Pages For Dummies.
3 E-böcker av Floyd Earl Smith
whurley & Floyd Earl Smith: Quantum Computing For Dummies
Comprehend the mysteries–and the amazing potential–of quantum computing Quantum computing has the promise to be the next huge thing in technology. How do we know that? Look at how much the big play …
whurley & Floyd Earl Smith: Quantum Computing For Dummies
Comprehend the mysteries–and the amazing potential–of quantum computing Quantum computing has the promise to be the next huge thing in technology. How do we know that? Look at how much the big play …
Floyd Earl Smith: Grundlagen des Quantencomputing für Dummies
Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt des Quantencomputing! In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wieso Quantencomputer Probleme lösen können, für die Supercomputer Millionen von Jahren brauchen würden. Die Autoren zei …