18 E-böcker av Futago Minaduki
Yuri Kitayama: Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles (Manga) Volume 1
Meet Rio: a callous orphaned boy living in the slums. At only 7-years-old, he realizes he’s actually the reincarnation of Haruto Amakawa, a Japanese university student with a tragic past. While still …
Yuri Kitayama: Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles (Manga) Volume 2
The time has come for the otherworldly orphan to embark on a journey of self-discovery! Rio was always alone at the Royal Academy of Beltrum – save for his friendship with Professor Celia Claire. But …
Yuri Kitayama: Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles (Manga) Volume 3
Rio’s taken off for his homeland and enters parts unknown… or at least they SHOULD be. But somehow, aspects of his former life begin cropping up everywhere he looks, from udon restaurants to vanqui …
Yuri Kitayama: Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles (Manga) Volume 4
Feel the Spirit Within! Rio’s journey back to his hometown in Yagumo takes him and Latifa further into the forest. But even here, danger lurks when the local inhabitants attack! Can Latifa convince t …
Yuri Kitayama: Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles (Manga) Volume 5
Rio and Latifa’s pleasant days in the spirit forest together sadly couldn’t last forever. Promising a reunion sometime in the future, Rio then heads for his parents’ hometown in the Yagumo region, wh …
Yuri Kitayama: Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles (Manga) Volume 6
Rio’s journey finds him stumbling upon a village in the Yagumo region, where he is welcomed into the home of Chief Yuba and finds friendship with Sayo and Ruri, two girls close to him in age. Suddenl …
Yuri Kitayama: Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles (Manga) Volume 7
After leaving his parents’ hometown in the Yagumo region, Rio visits the spirit folk village and reunites with Latifa. There, he listens to her feelings and promises to return before departing for hi …
Futago Minaduki: Seirei Gensouki: Crónicas de los espíritus Vol. 1
Rio es un niño huérfano que malvive en uno de los peores barrios de la ciudad. De repente, al cumplir la edad de siete años, descubre que es la reencarnación de Haruto Amakawa, un estudiante universi …
Futago Minaduki: Seirei Gensouki: Crónicas de los espíritus Vol. 2
Rio siempre estuvo solo en la Academia Real de Beltrum y la única persona en la que pudo confiar fue Celia, su profesora. Han transcurrido cinco años desde que Rio entró a la Academia y, durante ese …
Yuri Kitayama: Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles (Manga) Volume 8
With the emergence of the pillars of light comes a shocking reunion! Among the group of children Rio rescues stands Miharu, Haruto’s beloved childhood friend from his past life. But Miharu and the ki …
Futago Minaduki: Seirei Gensouki: Crónicas de los espíritus Vol. 3
¡Seirei Gensouki continúa! Después de ser acusado injustamente durante el transcurso de la prueba de campo de la Academia, Rio decide abandonar Beltrant y viajar al lugar en el que nacieron y viviero …
Futago Minaduki: Seirei Gensouki: Crónicas de los espíritus Vol. 4
Durante su viaje a la región de Yagumo, la tierra natal de sus padres, Rio es atacado por Latifa, una semihumana. Después del incidente, y a medida que se van conociendo, Rio se da cuenta de que Lati …
Futago Minaduki & Yuri Kitayama: Seirei Gensouki: Crónicas de los espíritus Vol. 5
Poco a poco, los alegres días en el Bosque de los Espíritus llegan a su fin. Es hora de despedirse de ese magnífico lugar, de su gente y de la persona que ha acompañado a Rio en su viaje hasta ahora. …
Yuri Kitayama: Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles (Manga) Volume 9
As the heroes from Earth become entwined in the fraught politics of his world, Rio remains resolved to investigate where they are and how they were summoned here. He determines the next best location …
Futago Minaduki: Seirei Gensouki: Crónicas de los espíritus Vol. 6
Rio se ha hecho a la vida en la aldea con la jefa Yuba, Sayo y Ruri. Sin embargo, un viaje a la capital le descubre la verdad sobre su origen y su trágico pasado, que resurge con fuerza en forma de a …
Yuri Kitayama: Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles (Manga) Volume 10
When Rio discovers that Professor Celia is soon to marry the contemptible Charles Arbor, he infiltrates the royal castle to confirm how Celia feels directly—unfortunately, it’s all too clear to him t …
Futago Minaduki: Seirei Gensouki: Cronicas de los espiritus Vol. 7
Tras dejar atras su pueblo natal en Yagumo, Rio continua su viaje. En su camino, se detiene en el Bosque de los Espiritus, donde se reencuentra con Latifa. Respondiendo a sus sentimientos, se despide …
Yuri Kitayama: Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles (Manga) Volume 11
After successfully rescuing Professor Celia, Rio tells her about his memories from a past life in another world—the same world that the heroes he’s seeking are from—and she agrees to join him on his …