We’ve entered a new era. Call it the age of imagination,
ideation, conceptualization, creativity, innovation–take your
pick. Creativity, mental flexibility, and collaboration have
displaced one-dimensional intelligence and isolated determination
as core ingredients of competitive advantage. But these 21st
century methods and mindsets needed to drive innovation are only
found by tapping into the discretionary levels of passion and
initiative within us. This is where Out Think leadership comes in.
Out Think presents big ideas along with actionable advice to
drive unique value and innovation in today’s chaotic
marketplace. In each chapter a key idea, behavior, or mindset shift
is discussed. The shift is illustrated through proprietary
interviews with business leaders conducted by the author.
Techniques are described to show how the shift or idea can be
implemented, with real-world examples. Assessments, exercises, and
actionable messaging are highlighted throughout the book.
While some books address the changing economic landscape and the
challenges of the creative age, Out Think is unique in the
author’s unparalleled access, spanning more than a decade, to
executives and thought-leaders who are, in fact, making a
measurable difference. Through interviews and collaboration with
these individuals, Hunter has assembled insights, stories, and
actionable take-aways, with an emphasis on results that can drive
the change that leaders want and need in their organizations.
Foreword xi
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 Marketquake: Moving beyond Arrested Decay 5
Chapter 2 Trust: Establish the Engine of Leadership 29
Chapter 3 Inquiry: Provoke with Questions, Not Answers 45
Chapter 4 Exploration: Go to the Woodshed 69
Chapter 5 Aspiration: Dream Well–You May Find Yourself
There 89
Chapter 6 Edge: Embrace New Kinds of Risk 107
Chapter 7 Connection: Collaborate to Innovate 125
Chapter 8 Mash-up: Borrow Brilliance 149
Chapter 9 Action: Get Moving or Accept the Consequences 173
Chapter 10 Signature: Make It Your Own 189
Chapter 11 Purpose: Connect with ’Why’ 203
Chapter 12 Sustaining the Innovative Mindset 221
Notes 231
Bibliography 243
Acknowledgments 253
About the Author 255
Index 257
Om författaren
G. Shawn Hunter (Portland, Maine) is Executive Producer for Skillsoft’s video learning products. In developing these products, Hunter has collaborated with and interviewed hundreds of executives, thought-leaders, academics and authors in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Europe and Australia. These interviews have been transcribed, tagged and published in Skillsoft’s Leadership Development Channel and 50 Lessons products. Shawn co-founded Targeted Learning Corporation with his father, Hal Hunter, Ph.D., which was acquired by Skillsoft in 2007. Prior to founding TLC, Shawn worked a ski instructor, on a ranch in Montana, an English teacher abroad, and bicycled across much of America.
Skillsoft is a pioneer in the field of learning with a long history of innovation. Skillsoft provides cloud-based learning solutions for our customers worldwide, who range from global enterprises, government and education customers to mid-sized and small businesses. Skillsoft serves over 5, 000 customers and more than 13 million learners worldwide and provide continuing, hands-on support to assist them in maximizing their ongoing success.