Christianity and monasticism have flourished along the Nile Valley in the Aswan region of Upper Egypt and in what was once Nubia, from as early as the fourth century until the present day. The contributors to this volume, international specialists in Coptology from around the world, examine various aspects of Coptic civilization in Aswan and Nubia over the past centuries. The complexity of Christian identity in Nubia, as distinct from Egypt, is examined in the context of church ritual and architecture. Many of the studies explore Coptic material culture: inscriptions, art, architecture, and archaeology; and language and literature. The archaeological and artistic heritage of monastic sites in Edfu, Aswan, Makuria, and Kom Ombo are highlighted, attesting to their important legacies in the region.
Language and Literature Coptic Ostraca from Hagr Edfu
Anke Ilona Blöbaum Imagining Macedonius, the First Bishop of Philae
James E. Goehring Apa Hidra in Difnar
Nashaat Mekhaiel Christianity on Philae
Samuel Moawad The Indexing of Manuscripts of the Monastery of the Great Saint Pachomius in Edfu
Fr. Angeleous el-Naqlouny Beginnings of Christianity in Nubia
Siegfried G. Richter A Foreshadowing of the Desert Spirituality in Ancient Nubia and Upper Egypt
Ashraf Alexandre Sadek Contested Frontiers: Southern Egypt and Northern Nubia, AD 300-1500: The Evidence of the Inscriptions
Jacques van der Vliet The Veneration of the Saints in Aswan and Nubia
Youhanna Nessim Youssef
Art, Archaeology and material Culture Dayr al-Kubbaniya: Review of the Documentation on the ’Isisberg’ Monastery
Renate Dekker The Development of the Church at Dayr Anba Hadra: A Study of the Plasterwork and Dated Inscriptions
Renate Dekker An Updated Plan of the Church at Dayr Qubbat al-Hawa
Renate Dekker The Christian Wall Paintings from the Temple of Isis at Aswan Revisited
Jitse H.F. Dijkstra and Gertrud J.M. van Loon The Monastic Life in Makuria
W Christian Aswan in the Modern Era and the History of Its Cathedral
Metropolitan Hidra The Word and the Flesh
Karel C. Innemée The Ascension Scene in the Apse of the Church at Dayr Qubbat al-Hawwa: A Comparative Study
Mary Kupelian The Nubian Marble Object Preserved in Dayr al-Surian in Wadi al-Natrun
Bishop Martyros The Digital 3D Virtual Reconstruction of the Monastic Church Qubbat al-Hawa
Howard Middleton-Jones Coptic Objects in the Aswan and Nubia Museums
Atif Naguib Sources for the Study of Late Antique and Early Medieval Hagr Edfu
Elisabeth O’Connell Christianity in Kom Ombo
Adel Sadek Identification of the Monastery of Nubians in Wadi al-Natrun
Fr. Bigoul al-Suriany Monneret de Villard (1881-1954) and Nubia
Fr. Awad Wadi Preservation The Conservation of the Mural Paintings of Anba Hatra Monastery
Ashraf Nageh
Om författaren
Gawdat Gabra is the former director of the Coptic Museum and the author, coauthor, or editor of numerous books on the history and culture of Egyptian Christianity, including
The Treasures of Coptic Art (AUC Press, 2006) and
The History and Religious Heritage of Old Cairo (AUC Press, 2011). He is currently visiting professor of Coptic studies at Claremont Graduate University, California.
Hany Takla