This book anchors the social studies as the central unifying force for young children. Teachers use the inquiry process to foster child development of social skills and citizenship ideals in their first classroom experiences. Curriculum is built starting with children’s natural curiosity to foster literacy in all its formspeaking, listening, reading, writing. Along the way, young children acquire knowledge and academic skills in civics, economics, geography and history. Shown thro...
This book anchors the social studies as the central unifying force for young children. Teachers use the inquiry process to foster child development of social skills and citizenship ideals in their first classroom experiences. Curriculum is built starting with children’s natural curiosity to foster literacy in all its formspeaking, listening, reading, writing. Along the way, young children acquire knowledge and academic skills in civics, economics, geography and history. Shown throughout are ways to promote social learning, self-concept development, social skills and citizenship behaviors. Featured here are individually appropriate and culturally relevant developmental practices. Considered are the importance of family collaboration and funds of knowledge children bring to early care and education. Contributors to this edition bring expertise from bilingual, early education, literacy, special education and the social studies. Beginning with citizenship and community building the authors consider all aspects of teaching young children leading to a progression of capacity to engage civically in school and community.