The Visual Key to Maya One look and you’ll see that this Maya book is different fromall the others. It presents the core Maya features visually, usingpages packed with striking graphics and loaded with conciseexplanations of the Maya interface. This expanded edition includesmore tutorials; updated material on modeling, animation, renderingand dynamics; and new coverage of Toon Shaders, along with otherexciting Maya tools. Engaging step-by-step lessons provide hands-onreinforcement as you learn. Start your adventures in Maya with thisfull-colour, visual guide–the perfect introduction to Maya8.* Use Paint Effects to create images from scratch or addpainterly qualities to existing images.* Learn how Maya’s MEL scripts can help with tasks, such asconnecting a curve’s CVs to joints to pre-visualize askeleton.* The enclosed CD includes the Maya Personal Learning Edition andall the files you need to complete the tutorials.
Introduction.1 Introduction to Maya.2 NURBS Modeling.3 Polygonal Modeling.4 Creating Textures.5 Lighting.6 Rendering.7 Paint Effects.8 Deformations and Rigging.9 Animation.10 Special Effects.11 MEL Script.Index.
Om författaren
George Maestri is an industry veteran and founder of Rubberbug Studios. His clients have included CBS, Fox, Comedy Central, Nickelodeon, and he has worked on such shows as South Park, Rocko’s Modern Life, and Karen and Kirby.Mick Larkins is the technical art lead at Hi-Rez Studiosin Atlanta and coauthor of Mastering Maya 7.