World’s Greatest Books for Personal Growth & Wealth is a collection of four of the world’s timeless masterpieces written by one of the most extraordinary authors.
’How to Win Friends and Influence People’ by Dale Carnegie- provides helpful advice and explanations on how to deal with any situation and enhance your communication with others. The book was named the 19th most influential book by Time magazine; ’Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill’- identifies thirteen principles that every person should adopt if they are serious about achieving success all are empirically based on the aforementioned decades of research; ’The Power of your Subconscious Mind’ by Dr. Joseph Murphy- gives you the means you will need to unlock the extraordinary powers of your subconscious mind; ’The Richest man in Babylon’ by George S. Clason- is a timeless classic, revealing the secrets to making money and keeping it. It reveals the secrets to wealth, providing priceless guidance, advice, unforgettable parables, financial problem-solving tools, and invaluable information which will get you on your way to prosperity.
Filled with wisdom and time-tested principles that are as applicable in modern times as ever, these inspirational books are a must-read for all aspiring for personal growth.
Bestselling ebooks by Joseph Murphy:
The Miracles of Your Mind 9788180320743
World’s Greatest Books For Personal Growth & Wealth (Set of 4 Books) 9789354990786
How to Attract Money 9789388118415
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind 9788180320958
Believe in Yourself 9789388118392
The Magic of Faith 9789388118743