Applied Social Sciences: Education Sciences is a collection of essays specific to the field of education. The volume contains both essays on general issues in education (education in antiquity, discipline in early childhood, quality of the educational process, formative assessment, pedagogical approaches to literature, teacher training, gender stereotypes in education, and education and media) and essays on education in elementary school (curriculum design options, and science ach...
Applied Social Sciences: Education Sciences is a collection of essays specific to the field of education. The volume contains both essays on general issues in education (education in antiquity, discipline in early childhood, quality of the educational process, formative assessment, pedagogical approaches to literature, teacher training, gender stereotypes in education, and education and media) and essays on education in elementary school (curriculum design options, and science achievement in early adolescence), in high school (age and learning context, performance evaluation, argumentation in the teaching of fiction, truancy, and student leadership styles), and in higher education (communication skills, student’s time, scholarly digital curation, Facebook-mediated teacher-student relationship, initial teacher training, quality of pre-service teacher training, teacher’s professional competence, professional profile of the teacher-researcher, and teaching at tertiary level). This volume will appeal to a wide range of readers, including counsellors, doctors, managers, psychologists, researchers, social workers, students, teacher trainers, and teachers of all subjects and of all levels, who wish to improve both personally and professionally. It will also be of great use to all those who interact, one way or another, with both students and teachers.