Anxiety-based disorders are among the most common mental health
problems experienced in the population today. Worry is a prominent
feature of most anxiety-based disorders including generalized
anxiety disorder, specific phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder,
panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Written by international experts, Worry and its Psychological
Disorders offers an up-to-date and complete overview of worry
in a single volume. Divided into four sections, the book explores
the nature of worry, the assessment of worry, contemporary theories
of chronic and pathological worry, and the most recently developed
treatment methods. It includes in-depth reviews of new assessment
instruments and covers treatment methods such as Cognitive
Behavioural Therapy and Metacognitive Therapy. Useful case studies
are also included.
This important volume provides an invaluable resource for
clinical practitioners and researchers. It will also be of
relevance to those studying clinical or abnormal psychology at
advanced level.
About the Editors ix
List of Contributors xi
Preface xv
Part I The Nature of Worry
Chapter 1 The Epidemiology of Worry and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 3
Robert M. Holaway, Thomas L. Rodebaugh, and Richard G. Heimberg
Chapter 2 Worry and Rumination: Styles of Persistent Negative Thinking in Anxiety and Depression 21
Costas Papageorgiou
Chapter 3 Worry in Psychopathology 41
Christine Purdon and Jennifer Harrington
Chapter 4 Worry and Information-processing 51
Gerald Matthews and Gregory J. Funke
Chapter 5 Worry in Older Adults 69
Julie L. Wetherell
Chapter 6 Worry in Childhood and Adolescence 81
Sam Cartwright-Hatton
Part II The Assessment of Worry
Chapter 7 The Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) 101
Helen M. Startup and Thane M. Erickson
Chapter 8 The Anxious Thoughts Inventory and Related Measures of Metacognition and Worry 121
Adrian Wells
Chapter 9 Assessment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder 137
Cynthia L. Turk and Andrew T. Wolanin
Chapter 10 The Catastrophising Interview Procedure 157
Graham C.L. Davey
Part III Theories of Chronic and Pathological Worry
Chapter 11 The Metacognitive Model of Worry and Generalised Anxiety Disorder 179
Adrian Wells
Chapter 12 A Cognitive Model of Generalized Anxiety Disorder: The Role of Intolerance of Uncertainty 201
Naomi Koerner and Michel J. Dugas
Chapter 13 A Mood-As-Input Account of Perseverative Worrying 217
Graham C.L. Davey
Chapter 14 The Cognitive Avoidance Theory of Worry 239
Nicholas J. Sibrava and T.D. Borkovec
Part IV Treatment Methods
Chapter 15 Metacognitive Therapy for Worry and Generalised Anxiety Disorder 259
Adrian Wells
Chapter 16 Applied Relaxation and Cognitive Therapy for Pathological Worry and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 273
T.D. Borkovec
Chapter 17 A Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Targeting Intolerance of Uncertainty 289
Melisa Robichaud and Michel J. Dugas
Chapter 18 Pharmacological Treatments for Worry: Focus on Generalised Anxiety Disorder 305
Ian M. Anderson and Marisha E. Palm
Chapter 19 Case Histories: Treating Worry Across Disorders 335
Paul King
Chapter 20 The Efficacy of Psychological Treatments for Generalised Anxiety Disorder? 359
Peter L. Fisher
Chapter 21 Predictors of Treatment Outcome 379
Robert C. Durham
Index 399
Om författaren
Graham Davey is Professor of Psychology at the University of
Sussex in Brighton, UK. He has been an active researcher in areas
associated with anxiety and its disorders, especially pathological
worrying, phobias, and perseverative psychopathologies generally.
He has published his research in many high-impact international
journals including Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Behavioral
& Brain Sciences, Journal of Experimental Psychology, and
Behaviour Research & Therapy. He has authored or edited
a total of 11 books, including Davey, G.C.L. (1997) (Ed)
Phobias: A handbook of theory, research and treatment,
Chichester:Wiley, and Davey, G.C.L.&Tallis, F. (1994) (Eds)
Worrying: Perspectives on theory, assessment and treatment,
Chichester: Wiley. He was elected President of the British
Psychological Society from 2002-2003.
Adrian Wells is Professor of Clinical & Experimental
Psychopathology at the University of Manchester, and Professor II
in Clinical Psychology at the Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Trondheim. He is Honorary Consultant Clinical
Psychologist in Manchester Mental Health Trust. He has published
over 100 scientific papers and book chapters in the area of
cognitive theory and therapy of emotional disorders. His books
include Wells, A. (1997) Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders:
A Practice Manual and Conceptual Guide, Chichester, UK: Wiley,
and Wells, A. (2000) Emotional Disorders and Metacognition:
Innovative Cognitive Therapy, Chichester, UK: Wiley. He is the
originator of metacognitive therapy and has also contributed to the
development of cognitive therapy for anxiety disorders. He is a
founding fellow of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, USA.