Money Talks explores the ways the financial concepts of money and capital are understood and talked about by a range of people, from traders to ordinary investors, and how these accounts are framed and represented across a range of media. This collection brings together leading writers and emerging researchers to demonstrate how work in media and cultural studies can contribute to debates around the meanings of money, the operations of capital and the nature of the current crisis. Drawing on a range of work from across disciplines, Money Talks offers a provocative and path-breaking demonstration of the value of incorporating approaches from media and cultural studies into an understanding of economic issues.
Financial speculations: Contested constructions of markets and crisis
Graham Murdock
Part 1: Insider talk
Chapter 1: Financial insider talk in the city of London
Aeron Davis
Chapter 2: Funny in a rich man’s world: The contradictory conceptions of money in forex trading
Peter A. Thompson
Chapter 3: Stating support for the city: Thirty years of budget talk
Catherine Walsh
Part 2: News talk
Chapter 4: More of the same: News, economic growth and the recycling of conventional wisdom
Justin Lewis and Richard Thomas
Chapter 5: Conflict of interest disclosure in economics: Will journalists aid the cause?
George De Martino
Chapter 6: Trouble in the markets: Differentiation in the Norwegian financial news landscape
Nina Kvalheim and Helle Sjøvaag
Chapter 7: Covering the crisis: Politics and culture
Jostein Gripsrud
Part 3: Screen talk
Chapter 8: No guns, no rules, just pure capitalism! Hollywood’s portraits of Wall Street
Anja Peltzer
Chapter 9: System down! Three documentary accounts of crisis
John Corner
Part 4: Everyday talk
Chapter 10: ‘I just hope the whole thing won’t collapse’: ‘Understanding’ and ‘overcoming’ the EU financial crisis from the citizen’s perspective
Andreas Hepp, Swantje Lingenberg, Monika Elsler, Johanna Möller, Anne Mollen and Anke Offerhaus
Afterword: Business as usual and its discontents
Graham Murdock
Om författaren
Graham Murdock, Reader in the Sociology of Culture in the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough University, has held the Bonnier Chair at the University of Stockholm and the Teaching Chair at the Free University of Brussels, and been a Visiting Professor at the Universities of California, Mexico City, Leuven, Helsinki and Bergen, where he taught for a decade. His work is available in nineteen languages, and major collections of his essays are currently in press in Poland, South Korea and China. His recent works include the co-edited collections Media in the Age of Marketisation and Digital Dynamics and the co-authored monograph The GM Debate.
Two co-edited collections, The Blackwell Handbook of the Political Economy of Communication and The Idea of the Public Sphere, will be published next spring.