Religion and politics have historically clashed in modern Spain but the complexity of the controversial and sometimes violent relationships between Catholic values and modern political regimes continue to ride a precarious line of spiritual accommodation versus public policy. Leading experts on religious Spanish tradition and recent historiographic findings set out to define and interrogate grey areas in the last two centuries beyond the reductive conventional notion of an ever-warring ’Two Spains.’ The Soul of the Nation unravels the role of religion in the country’s public life following the imperial crisis of 1808 when the Catholic Monarchy put the role of the Church at heart of political and cultural debates.
Introduction: On Religious Nationalisms: The Staggering March from Sacralization to Politicization in Modern Spain
Chapter 1. “A People Who Need a Friar’s Permission to Read and to Think?”: Catholicism and Spanish Identity in the Encyclopédie Méthodique Debate (1782-1788)
Antonio Calvo Maturana
Chapter 2. The Protection of the Faith and the Politics of Religion in the Reign of Ferdinand VII
Scott Eastman
Chapter 3. Religion and the Nation’s Future, 1845–1868
Jesús Millán and María Cruz Romeo
Chapter 4. Sons of the Gospel: Religiosity and Secularization in Nineteenth-Century Spanish Republicanism
Ester García Moscardó
Chapter 5. The Catholic Clergy and Lay Associationism in the Defence of the Catholic Unity of the Spanish Nation (1875-1913)
Mª Pilar Salomón Chéliz
Chapter 6. Providential Dictator. Nation and Religion under Primo de Rivera (1923-1930)
Alejandro Quiroga
Chapter 7. Nation, Faith and Devotions: Sacralized Mobilization and Patriotic Restoration during the Spanish Civil War
César Rina Simón
Chapter 8. ‘Eternal Spain’: Religion, Politics and Antifeminism in the Second Republic and the Civil War
Teresa María Ortega López
Chapter 9. Catholicism, Democracy, and Nation in the Spain of the Latter Part of the Twentieth Century
Vicente Jesús Díaz Burillo and Alicia Muñoz Ramírez
Conclusion: Religious Nationalisms in the Age of Disenchantment
Gregorio Alonso and Claudio Hernández Burgos
Om författaren
Claudio Hernández Burgos is Associate Professor at the University of Granada. He has edited seven collective books in English and in Spanish. He is the author of several articles in national and international journals, and two monographic books: Granada azul. La construcción de la Cultura de la Victoria durante el primer franquismo (2011) and Franquismo a ras de suelo. Zonas grises, apoyos sociales y actitudes durante la dictadura (2013).