Författare: Gregory Chockler

Roberto Baldoni is currently a Professor at the Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica ”Antonio Ruberti” of the University of Rome ”La Sapienza”, where he is the Director of the “Sapienza Research Center on Cyber Intelligence and Information Security”. He has served as the Scientific Leader of the EU project Co Mi Fin on the protection of the financial infrastructure and as a member of the Executive Board of RESIST, the EU network of Excellence on Security and Dependability. His current research interests are in middleware, cloud computing, networked embedded systems, distributed event processing and sense-and-response applications. He is currently vice-chair of the IEEE technical committee on Dependable and Fault-Tolerant Systems. Gregory Chockler is a Research Staff Member at IBM Research Haifa. His research interests span all areas of distributed systems, and in particular, cloud computing, fault-tolerance, peer-to-peer computing, and middleware technologies. In 2010, he received an IBM Outstanding Technical Accomplishment Award for his contribution to middleware virtualization technologies and products. He presently serves on the Editorial Board of Information Processing Letters, and was a guest editor of the special issue on Cloud Computing for Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC). He is a co-founder of the ACM/SIGOPS Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware (LADIS).

1 E-böcker av Gregory Chockler

Roberto Baldoni & Gregory Chockler: Collaborative Financial Infrastructure Protection
The Critical Infrastructure Protection Survey recently released by Symantec found that 53% of interviewed IT security experts from international companies experienced at least ten cyber attacks in th …