Författare: Hannah Lee

Hannah Lee doesn’t write for a living. She lives to write! For years, it has been her all-time favorite past time, from journaling her challenges and aha moments, to composing newspaper articles and local community press releases, to documenting letters and petitions to political figures for affecting positive change for animal welfare and other environmental causes. She has also created and developed numerous websites for new and existing businesses including her own. Whatever it is that she writes, it’s always from the heart! After having edited some of her own friends’ work, this book has been her inspiration to become a published author herself. “Life is What Happens….At Play” is aimed at awakening those ready to realize the absence and importance of play in their busy lives and how to reintegrate it back into their realities on a daily basis to foster and encourage the child within. Her reference to Dr. Stuart Brown’s National Play Institute was a major influence in writing this book. Hannah’s writing style is one that reflects who she is. She is an empath with an overabundance of compassion and respect for all life. She holds a Bachelor of Social Work undergrad degree and practiced in the field for three years, working with homeless and mentally ill populations, crisis centres, and crime prevention education. When asked, “Why did you choose social work?” Hannah says that she really didn’t know what she wanted to do professionally after graduating from high school, but she knew one thing was for certain – she definitely wanted to fulfill her purpose in this life by making a difference in the world. One of Hannah’s many great passions is traveling. She was a flight attendant for eight years and admits that it was a lot of fun! Besides that, she says that travel allows us to “be in the moment” and seize opportunities to be of service as the universe requires of us. Hannah whole heartedly admits that she was more compelled to help her human and animal brothers and sisters while traveling, and she had ample opportunities to do so. Her 2-year sailing sabbatical, beginning at the Inside Passage to Alaska and ending in the Caribbean Sea, took her on one adventure after another. “It literally changed my life and how I look at everything now”, says Hannah. “I can take things with a grain of salt a lot more when the going gets tough. Many times I thought I had had my last day out there in the dark of night and in the rolling high seas. One thing is for certain, that particular adventure definitely made me stronger and instilled in me a belief that I can do or be anything I so desire. If I can sail and live to tell about it, I can do anything! The whole experience was a highlight of my life!” Hannah’s work in the healing arts has taken her on another journey of healing and helping her animal and human companions. She has practiced energy healing, massage, body work and other intuitive healing therapies for the past ten years. Hannah works through her animal spirit guides to communicate with animals on all levels. As this book is being published, Hannah is already working on a second book to be part of a children’s literature collection entitled, “Can You Hear the Animals?” This project is aimed at helping young readers to develop that same sense of empathy, compassion, love and respect for all life that Hannah feels so deeply and carries with her in all she does. Hannah enjoys nature in the form of animals, gardening, hiking, and long walks along the ocean or in the rainforest. She lives on North Vancouver Island with her partner in life and a frenzy of animal family members. They live in rural setting with an abundance of wildlife always around to keep life interesting!

9 E-böcker av Hannah Lee

Hannah Lee: My Hair
My birthday”s coming up so soon, I”ll need new clothes to wear. But most of all, I need to know, How shall I style my hair? Will it be dreads or a twist out? Braids or a high-top fade? Joyous and v …
Hannah Lee: Life Is What Happens … at Play
Do you have relationship challenges? Marriage doldrums? An unfulfilling career? A lack of passion, purpose, or fire in your life? Have you faded away into the gray? Does any of this sound familiar to …
Hannah Lee: Phaeton. L’Auriga
L’approssimarsi del 67mo anniversario dell’alluvione del Polesine del 1951 diventa occasione per considerare come sia cambiata la percezione della natura che ci circonda. Nell’antichità era temuta, r …
Hannah Lee: The Trucker
Il Natale è prossimo. Due donne stanno attraversando un periodo di profondo disagio, per motivi differenti. Una vive il fallimento della vita lavorativa e, dopo alcune vicissitudini, la drammatica di …
Hannah Lee: Rapping Princess
Here is a story that everyone should know. It's the tale of a princess named Shiloh. She lived in a kingdom, not far from yours, in a grand house with a swimming pool and fourteen floors. I know …
Various: Faber Book of Bedtime Stories
A stunning collection of bedtime stories for 5-7 year olds which promote modern-day messages of inclusivity, acceptance and bravery in the face of adversity. Stories that are full of hope and courage …
Hannah Lee: Mi Cielo Oscuro y Coloreado
ISBN: 978-1-4628-6160-6 (79612) Through the eyes of an adolescent teenager, love is oft dramatized and things so small are made into grand obtrusions. Naivety and immaturity stand as the basis to the …
Bill Cope & Mary Kalantzis: Ubiquitous Learning
This collection seeks to define the emerging field of "ubiquitous learning, " an educational paradigm made possible in part by the omnipresence of digital media, supporting new modes of kno …