Using Norway as a case study, this book examines what role the supranational European Court of Human Rights plays in the development and contestation of child protection and children’s rights as they are laid out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
1. Introduction: Norway and the Big Story – Hege Helland, Siri Gloppen and Marit Skivenes
Part 1: The Road to Strasbourg
2.Challenging Norway’s Child Protection Services in Strasbourg: Individual Quests, or Transnational Actors Back-Seat Driving? – Hege Helland and Siri Gloppen
3.Are Children’s Rights the New Front in the Gender Ideology Wars? – Neil Detta
Part 2: The European Court of Human Rights
4.The ECt HR and Child Protection – Claire Fenton-Glynn
5.Symbolic Violence Towards Minoritized Ethnic Children and Parents in Judgments by the European Court of Human Rights – Mary Burns, Gabriela Serra, Kerry Shea, Katrin Križ and Daniela Reimer
6.Issue Specific Divides on the European Court of Human Rights – Øyvind Stiansen
7.Inner Workings of the Court – Davíð Þór Björgvinsson
8.Constatation Within the Margins – Asgeir Falch-Eriksen
9.Third Party Interventions, Children’s Rights and the ECt HR – Rachel Cichowski
10.Family Life in the ECt HR – Marit Skivenes and David Archard
11.The European Court of Adult Rights: Objectifying and Pathologizing Representations of Children in the ECHR’s Judgments About Norway – Katrin Križ and Daniela Reimer
12.What Makes the Child Welfare Cases Against Norway Unique? – Marius Emberland
Part 3: Implications and Effects of ECTHR Litigation
13.Child Protection: The Legitimacy of State Intervention When Tested Against Human Rights Norms – Elaine Sutherland
14.Child Protection and the European Court of Human Rights in a Nordic Context – The Case of Finland – Tarja Pösö and Raija Huhtanen
15.Children’s Rights and the Effects of the ECt HR Judgments on Norwegian Courts and Jurisprudence – Kirsten Sandberg
16.The ECt HR and street-levelthe Bbureaucracy: Implications of The Implementation of International Litigation case law ion Norwegian Child Protection Practice – Hege Helland
17.Quo Vadis Childrens Rights? – Hege Helland, Siri Gloppen and Marit Skivenes
Om författaren
Marit Skivenes is Professor at the Department of Administration and Organization Theory and the Director of Centre for Research on Discretion and Paternalism at the University of Bergen.