Författare: Heinz von Foerster

Heinz von Foerster (Author) Heinz von Foerster is one of the most consequential thinkers in the history of cybernetics. Von Foerster wrote nearly two hundred professional papers, gaining renown in fields from computer science and artificial intelligence to epistemology and family therapy. Elinor Rooks (Translator) Elinor Rooks is a doctoral student at the University of Leeds. Michael Kasenbacher (Translator) Michael Kasenbacher is a social scientist and translator.

7 E-böcker av Heinz von Foerster

Heinz von Foerster: The Beginning of Heaven and Earth Has No Name
Heinz von Foerster was the inventor of second-order cybernetics, which recognizes the investigator as part of the system he is investigating. The Beginning of Heaven and Earth Has No Name provides an …
Heinz von Foerster: Sicht und Einsicht
In den Arbeiten Heinz von Foersters wird die scheinbar paradoxe Ausgangslage des Erkenntnistheoretikers – er will ja ’das Erkennen erkennen’, ’das Beobachten beobachten’ usw. – nicht wie üblich hinwe …
Heinz von Foerster & Ernst von Glasersfeld: Come ci si inventa
(Ebook interattivo) Chi volesse fare la storia del costruttivismo, non potrà non cominciare da questo libro. E sarà un inizio piacevole e accattivante. Due picari della ricerca metodologica rilascian …
Heinz von Foerster: Understanding Understanding
In these essays Heinz von Foerster discusses some of the fundamental principles that govern how we know the world and how we process the information from which we derive that knowledge. Included are …
Heinz von Foerster: Beginning of Heaven and Earth Has No Name
Heinz von Foerster was the inventor of second-order cybernetics, which recognizes the investigator as part of the system he is investigating. The Beginning of Heaven and Earth Has No Name provides an …
Heinz von Foerster & Bernhard Pörksen: Wahrheit ist die Erfindung eines Lügners
Wie wirklich ist die Wirklichkeit? Sind unsere Weltbilder lediglich Erfindungen, oder entspricht ihnen eine äußere Realität? Ist Wahrheitserkenntnis möglich? Es sind diese Fragen, die der Physiker un …
Heinz von Foerster & Bernhard Poerksen: Truth is the invention of a liar
’This book is so rich with insights, sparkling dialogue, and wisdom that one would love to distribute it like a leaflet around town.’ Südwestrundfunk (German radio station) ’The intellectual dance th …