Partner of one of the most infamous anarchists of her time, Johann Most, Helene Minkin joined the anarchist movement after emigrating from Russia in 1888 with her father and sister. Framed as a reaction and corrective to Emma Goldman’s Living My Life, Minkin’s memoir provides a unique account of turn-of-the-century anarchism and immigrant life in the United States. Published in the Yiddish-language newspaper Forverts in 1932, this is its first English translation.
Tom Goyens teaches American history at Salisbury University in Maryland. He is the author of Beer and Revolution: The German Anarchist Movement in New York City, 1880–1914.
Introduction by Tom Goyens
Forverts Editors’ Note
My Father, My Sister, Me, and Emma Goldman
My Acquaintance with Most
Emma and Her New Friends
The Commune
Johann Most and Emma Goldman
Emma, Alexander Berkman and Fedya—How I Understood Them at That Time
The New Commune in New Haven
Emma Becomes Jealous of my Sister and Causes a Scene
I Leave the Commune Again
Back to the Commune
A Terrible Evening
A Little Luck, A Little Joy For my Poor Sister Anna
My First Negative Feelings Toward Most
Most Goes to Prison Again
What Drew Me to Most?
How My Imagination Saw Most
Most Gets Out of Prison
Emma Goldman’s Mistake
My Youngest Ssiter Comes to America
We Move to Newark
Most and Emma Part Ways
Most Insists That I Tell Him My Life Story
I Am an Orphan
An End to Our Night Walks
I Leave My Grandfather’s House
We Move to America
Most Compares Me To Emma Goldman
Our First Apartment in America
Alexander Berkman’s Assassination of the Steel Magnate Frick and Emma’s Mistakes
A Few Questions For Emma Goldman
A Horrible Night—A Struggle With a Human Beast
I Become the Freiheit’s Bookkeeper
Most’s Life Up Until I Became Acquainted With Him
Johann Most’s First Strike
Most Begins His Wandering
Young Most Starts To Be Heard
Most Gets Married
Most Goes To England
Most Comes To America
My Feelings For Most
Our First Apartment
The Comrades Persecute Most For Having a Family-Life
I Become a Mother
Most Refuses To Write For a Capitalist Newspaper and We Suffer Further Need
A Curious Individual
We Settle in Buffalo
I Leave Most and Go Back To New York
Most Gets Very Jealous
I Leave Most Because of His Jealousy
Peace Again
Most the Man and the Father
The Assassination of President Mc Kinley
New Troubles, New Suffering
Most is Released From Prison
Most Forbids a Banquet in His Honor
Most’s Last “Good-Bye”
The Heart-Breaking Telegram About Most’s Death
Back In New York With Johann Most’s Ashes
Most’s Last Letter
Om författaren
Tom Goyens teaches American history at Salisbury University in Maryland. He is the author of Beer and Revolution: The German Anarchist Movement in New York City, 1880-1914 (University of Illinois Press, 2007) and has published on immigrant anarchism in Social Anarchism and Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice. He is currently working on a biography of Johann Most, and editing a collection of essays on anarchism in New York City from 1880 to 2011.