The Bible is Indeed a Book of Science, Revealed By God.
We live in a “scientific age, ” and the proliferation of scientific knowledge and the resulting technologies seem almost endless. Scientific discoveries and developments, however, can be a danger as well as a blessing to mankind. The modern world is desperately in need of God’s own wisdom concerning the purpose and meaning of true science.
When you move beyond modern assumptions and false preconceptions, the Bible is found to not only reveal a thoroughly modern perspective on the real facts and principles of science but also to provide wisdom and guidance concerning its proper role in human life.
Biology is the science of life, and Christ himself is “life.” Geology is the science of the earth, and He is the Creator of the ends of the earth. We also could speak of other sciences, but all must ultimately be ascribed to Christ. True knowledge of any component of His creation must depend ultimately on the knowledge of Christ and His Word.
- Reveals biblical insights for cosmology, astronomy, physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, geology, paleontology, biology, anthropology, and more
- Brings to light how scientific and statistical evidence, rationally evaluated, favor God over evolution
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A prolific and influential scholar known to believers and skeptics alike as ?the father of modern creation science, ? Dr. Henry M. Morris truly was a man of science and a staunch man of God. He was even said to have set the terms of debate about evolution for the second half of the 20th century by one Pulitzer Prize-winning academician. Dr. Morris began his serious study of the Bible in the 1930s and authoring books in the 1940s, but it was his landmark work, co-authored with Dr. John Whitcomb, titled The Genesis Flood in 1961 that influenced generations to begin discovering the fallacies of evolution and the biblical truth of creation. With over 60 books, founding and leading the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), Dr. Morris? death in 2006 was a profound loss to millions. Dr. Morris created a thriving legacy that continues to equip many Christians to be able to defend the accuracy and authority of Scripture today. The new Henry Morris Study Bible and other resources that he developed remain essential sources of knowledge and understanding for believers.