Ilia Binder is a professor of Mathematics at the University of Toronto. His research interests are Geometric Function Theory, Complex Analysis and Potential Theory, Complexity and Computability in Analysis and Dynamical Systems, Complex Dynamics, Stochastic Löwner Evolution, Multifractal Analysis, Quasi-periodic and random Shroedinger and Jacobi operators. He is also the Chair of the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Department at the University of Toronto Mississauga. Damir Kinzebulatov is an associate professor at Laval University. He is working in the field of singular stochastic dynamics and regularity theory of PDEs with rough coefficients, which includes heat kernel bounds for local and non-local Kolmogorov operators, gradient estimates, unique continuation for eigenfunctions of Schroedinger operators (using methods of Nash, De Giorgi, Carleman). He uses harmonic-analytic and operator-theoretic methods in concrete settings.
Javad Mashreghi is a mathematician and author working in fields of function space theory, functional analysis and complex analysis. He is a professeur titulaire at Laval University and was recently the 35th President of the Canadian Mathematical Society. He is immensely involved in various aspects of North America”s mathematical community, having served on numerous editorial, administrative and selection committees. He is the editor-in-chief of the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin and Concrete Operators, and the Analysis Section Coordinating Editor of the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Among his awards and distinctions, there are the IEEE Prize Paper Award 2021, the Fellow of the Canadian Mathematical Society 2019, the Khwarizmi International Award, Research Prize of IROST, 2009, and the G. de B. Robinson Award 2004. As for publications, he has more than 120 articles, 12 books published by Cambridge, Oxford, AMS and Springer, and 11 conference proceedings.
1 E-böcker av Ilia Binder
Ilia Binder & Damir Kinzebulatov: Function Spaces, Theory and Applications
The focus program on Analytic Function Spaces and their Applications took place at Fields Institute from July 1st to December 31st, 2021. Hilbert spaces of analytic functions form one of the pillars …