One of Europe’s leading philosophers, Roberto Esposito has produced a considerable body of work that continues to have a significant impact on political science, sociology, literature, and philosophy. This volume offers both a comprehensive introduction to and critical explanation of Esposito’s political thought and key concepts from his oeuvre. The contributors address aspects of his growing corpus such as the impolitical, community, immunity, the impersonal, affirmative biopolitics, justice, life, the third person, and the body. In addition, they highlight Esposito’s reading and interpretation of classical political thinkers, including Hobbes, Machiavelli, Vico, Arendt, and Kant. The book explores applications of Esposito’s philosophy to issues in international relations, post-colonialism, literature, science, technology, and philosophical and artistic practice, bringing Esposito into dialogue with important social-political concerns.
Introduction: Thinking with Roberto Esposito
Inna Viriasova
Part I: Reading Esposito
1. The Presence and Absence of Origin: Roberto Esposito’s Early Interpretation of Giambattista Vico
Alexander U. Bertland
2. Thinking Community
Diane Enns
3. Debt and the Proper in Agamben and Esposito
Greg Bird
4. Against the Conspiracy. Revisiting Life’s Vertigo: On Roberto Esposito’s
Terza persona and
Da fuori
Alberto Moreiras
5. Fold of Life: Roberto Esposito on ’the Living Person’ and Animistic Personhood
Inna Viriasova
6. The Failure of the Political Concept of the Person? A Foucaultian-Arendtian Response to Roberto Esposito
Antonio Calcagno
7. Person and
Munus in the Thought of Roberto Esposito
Jonathan Short
8. From Biopolitics to Political Animism: Roberto Esposito’s Things
Federico Luisetti
Part II: Applying Esposito
9. The Impolitical Dimension in Jorge Luis Borges’s Literature: A Gaze on the Impossible for Politics through Roberto Esposito’s Thought
Federico Fridman
10. Internalities of International Relations and the Politics of Externalities: Affirming the Impossibility of IR with Roberto Esposito
Mark F. N. Franke
11. Living Through Catastrophe: Warring Immunities, Dramatization and Counter-Actualization in Wajdi Mouawad’s Scorched
Geoffrey Whitehall
12. Becoming Normative: Law, Life, and the Possibility of an Affirmative Biopolitics
Patrick Hanafin
Om författaren
Inna Viriasova is a Lecturer in the Department of Politics at Acadia University in Canada and the author of
At the Limits of the Political: Affect, Life, Things.
Antonio Calcagno Professor of Philosophy at King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. His books include
Contemporary Italian Political Philosophy, also published by SUNY Press, and
Lived Experience from the Inside Out: Social and Political Philosophy in Edith Stein.