Ira Greenberg directs the Center of Creative Computation and is Associate Professor with a joint appointment in the Meadows School of the Arts and Lyle School of Engineering at Southern Methodist University, Dallas TX. He is the author of Processing: Creative Coding and Computational Art and The Essential Guide to Processing for Flash Developers, both from friends of ED/Apress. Ira received his BFA from Cornell University and his MFA from the University of Pennsylvania.
3 E-böcker av Ira Greenberg
Ira Greenberg: Processing
If you’re interested in creating cutting-edge code-based art and animations, you’ve come to the right place! Processing (available at is a revolutionary open source programming la …
Ira Greenberg: The Essential Guide to Processing for Flash Developers
Processing is a open source project that bridges the gap between programming and art. Its simplicity and power appeal to non-coders and old-hands alike. As a Flash developer, you already have a firm …
Ira Greenberg & Dianna Xu: Processing
Processing: Creative Coding and Generative Art in Processing 2 is a fun and creative approach to learning programming. Using the easy to learn Processing programming language, you will quickly l …