An accessible and up to date text on teaching and supporting adult learners, aimed at both student teachers and experienced practitioners. It explores teaching adult learners within a traditional further education (FE) context but also working with those adult learners on Higher Education (HE) courses taught within FE.
Adult learners have a distinct set of needs and challenges which can include issues of self confidence, fear of technology, time management and financial constraints, and which may not always be fully recognised by educational practitioners or institutions. Teachers and student stories are used throughout this book to analyse learner needs and motivations, highlight possible barriers to learning and explore strategies for support.
This publication enables those teaching adult learners to gain an understanding of the difficulties that students may experience while developing their own professional practice in order to create effective, focused and inclusive teaching strategies for this group.
Introduction: Why we have written the book and who we are ? How to use the book.
Part One; Understanding your learners
Chapter one: Contextualisation
Chapter two: Internal motivation
Chapter Three: External motivation
Chapter Four: Student and teacher stories
Part Two: Inclusive strategies to create a supportive learning experience
Chapter Five: Practicalities: the nuts and bolts of teaching
Chapter Six: Technologies : how they can help, how they can hinder.
Chapter Seven:Building relationships
Part Three: Pulling it all together
Chapter Eight: Detailed scenarios for analysis which will encompass all the above content
Glossary of terms eg. some definitions of inclusion, on-line learning, etc
Om författaren
Susan Wallace’s particular interests are in mentoring and the motivation and behaviour of students, hence she is a popular keynote speaker at conferences. She is Emeritus Professor of Education at Nottingham Trent University where, for many years, she supported learning on the initial training courses for teachers in the FE sector. She has researched and written extensively on education, training and behaviour management.