Prof. Dr. Uwe Backes ist Stellvertretender Direktor des Hannah-Arendt-Instituts für Totalitarismusforschung und lehrt an der TU Dresden an der TU Dresden.
3 E-böcker av Jacob Talmon
Jacob Talmon: Die Geschichte der totalitären Demokratie Band II
In the second volume in this three-volume series, the author treats the broad spectrum of political ideas prevalent throughout the 19th century. Using the term »political messianism«, he discusses th …
Jacob Talmon: Die Geschichte der totalitären Demokratie Band III
In this, the third and last volume of this series, the author looks at the interaction between different types of totalitarianism, thereby emphasizing the (pseudo-)democratic features of fascism incl …
Jacob Talmon: Die Geschichte der totalitären Demokratie Band I
At the center of this first volume lie the theories of social science propagated by authors such as Helvetius, Holbach, Morelly and Mably as well as Rousseau´s concept of the ’general will’ of the pe …