While young children’s rights have received considerable attention and have accordingly advanced over the past two decades, the rights of adolescents have been neglected. This manifests itself in pervasive gender-based violence, widespread youth disaffection and unemployment, concerning levels of self-abuse, violence and antisocial engagement, and serious mental and physical health deficits. The cost of inaction on these issues is likely to be dramatic in terms of human suffering, lost social and economic opportunities, and threats to global peace and security. Across the range of disciplines that make up contemporary human rights, from law and social advocacy to global health, history, economics, sociology, politics, and psychology, it is time, the contributors of this volume contend, for adolescent rights to occupy a coherent place of their own.
Human Rights and Adolescence presents a multifaceted inquiry into the global circumstances of adolescents, focusing on the human rights challenges and socioeconomic obstacles young adults face. Contributors use new research to advance feasible solutions and timely recommendations for a wide range of issues spanning all continents, from relevant international legal norms to neuropsychological adolescent brain development, gender discrimination in Indian education to Colombian child soldier recruitment, stigmatization of Roma youth in Europe to economic disempowerment of Middle Eastern and South African adolescents. Taken together, the research emphasizes the importance of dedicated attention to adolescence as a distinctive and critical phase of development between childhood and adulthood and outlines the task of building on the potential of adolescents while providing support for the challenges they experience.
Contributors : Theresa S. Betancourt, Jacqueline Bhabha, Krishna Bose, Neera Burra, Malcolm Bush, Jocelyn De Jong, Elizabeth Gibbons, Katrina Hann, Mary Kawar, Orla Kelly, David Mark, Margareta Matache, Clea Mc Neely, Glaudine Mtshali, Katie Naeve, Elizabeth A. Newnham, Victor Pineda, Irene Rizzini, Elena Rozzi, Christian Salazar Volkmann, Shantha Sinha, Laurence Steinberg, Kerry Thompson, Jean Zermatten, Moses Zombo.
Introduction. The Importance of a Rights-Based Approach to Adolescence
—Jacqueline Bhabha
Chapter 1. Protecting and Promoting Adolescent Rights: The Contribution of International Law and Policy
—Jean Zermatten
Chapter 2. Transitions to Adulthood in Contemporary Italy: Balancing Sociocultural Differences and Universal Rights
—Elena Rozzi
Chapter 3. The Science of Adolescent Brain Development and Its Implications for Adolescent Rights and Responsibilities
—Laurence Steinberg
Chapter 4. Building Capability and Functioning: Reframing the Rights Agenda for Adolescents Through the Lens of Disability Rights
—Victor Pineda
Chapter 5. Adolescent Social and Emotional Development: A Developmental Science Perspective on Adolescent Human Rights
—Clea Mc Neely and Krishna Bose
Chapter 6. Poverty, Armed Conflict, and Organized Crime: The Impact of Violence on Young People in Colombia
—Christian Salazar Volkmann
Chapter 7. Coming of Age in the Context of War: Reframing the Approach to Adolescent Rights
—Theresa S. Betancourt, Katrina Hann, and Moses Zombo
Chapter 8. Wings of the Phoenix: The Legacy of Violence for Adolescents in Postconflict Reconstruction
—Elizabeth Gibbons
Chapter 9. Adolescents in the Colombian Armed Conflict: Recruitment Realities and Important Lessons for Their Successful Reintegration
—Katie Naeve
Chapter 10. Young Arabs and Evolving Realities: Linking Social and Economic Rights
—Jocelyn De Jong and Mary Kawar
Chapter 11. The Challenges Facing India in Advancing Secondary Education Attainment Among Adolescent Girls
—Orla Kelly and Elizabeth A. Newnham
Chapter 12. Rights and Realities for Vulnerable Youth in Urban Brazil: Challenges in the Transition to Adulthood
—Irene Rizzini and Malcolm Bush
Chapter 13. Youth Unemployment: Facing and Overcoming Obstacles in Partnership
—Glaudine Mtshali
Chapter 14. Confined by Narrow Choices: The Stories of Roma Adolescents
—David Mark and Margareta Matache
Chapter 15. Beginning in the Middle: Ending the Exploitation of Adolescents in India
—Shantha Sinha
Chapter 16. Indian Adolescence and Its Discontents: Transformational Solutions Through Education, Skill Development, and Employment
—Neera Burra
Chapter 17. Emerging from the Shadows: Adolescents with Disabilities Claim Their Rights Under International Law
—Kerry Thompson
List of Contributors
Om författaren
Jacqueline Bhabha is Director of Research at the Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights, Harvard School of Public Health.