My name is Muffin, Muffie for short, and I am a Maltese/Chihuahua mix who has been adopted by a human Mom. I live in a small community where I am relatively respected and nurtured. I decided to write a book that explains a little of how we, that is, four-legged individuals, relate in the human world. The majority of humans in this society really misunderstand us and it is about time that we speak up and be heard. I expect to see people paying more attention to animals once they have read my book, especially parents teaching their children about pets. The following points is how I see my book contributing to the enlightenment of the human owners of pets.
The purpose of our lives in your lives.
The intuitive power of pets.
The wisdom of pets and their silent communication.
The healing power of pets.
How we pets bring joy and well-being to the world.
Pets help energy to flow freely through giving love.
I am of the firm belief that Humans need to be enlightened on how to relate to us in the animal kingdom.
Om författaren
Jahnett lives on a farm with only her “wild” animals for pets now. She has Hawks that nest in her lawn, deer that roam freely throughout her yard, coyotes that come up to her outside doors, and of course all the other menagerie of animals and birds that habitat the great outdoors.