Butcher’s boy Jimmy D’Aubin went willingly to war when duty called in 1916. Excited, thrilled to be part of a big adventure and determined to play his part in fighting the enemy.
Like so many of those fortunate to return, this son of a loving Melbourne family soon found his life had changed forever. The bright-eyed lad had vanished somewhere amid the mud and trenches of the battlefields of France and Flanders. Replaced by a man physically and mentally broken.
A stranger to all who once knew and loved him. Even his parents.
His battle now is with alcohol. And with the thieving needed to sustain his addiction.
There are minor victories among his defeats. He marries, fathers four children but is incapable of supporting them.
Divorce follows. He lives on the streets, often sleeping where he falls. He welcomes his frequent spells in prison as they provide a bed and a meal.
Help is offered but war has damaged him mentally as well as physically. He finds Billy, his battlefield mate, has fared no better.
Jimmy’s story mirrors the life and times of the author’s grandfather. It paints a vivid picture of mid-twentieth century Melbourne.
A period endured by many who went willingly to war and returned to find a bigger battle awaited them.
Chapter 1 Introducing Jimmy D’Aubin 1
Chapter 2 The Caledonians 9
Chapter 3 Pas de problème 17
Chapter 4 Schrapnell und Gelbkreuz 29
Chapter 5 Welcome home 37
Chapter 6 Brown shoots 43
Chapter 7 Bluestone College61
Chapter 8 Harvest 73
Chapter 9 Another Bastard 79
Chapter 10 The Hearth 85
Chapter 11 The Drinking War93
Chapter 12 Continental drift 97
Chapter 13 Steep Descent 101
Chapter 14 Sunbury 107
Chapter 15 Going Home for Christmas 111
Epilogue Return to Dust115
Passchendaele 100 117
Om författaren
James Wilson is a retired administrator who has worked in communications, local government and health. He is interested in history and the way it has affected society, but particularly the part his family has played in it and the societal issues they were involved in which mirror the experiences of ordinary people.The story behind The Two Wars of Jimmy D’Aubin had been on his mind for several years until he finally set about writing it.James also writes poetry and short stories and is currently working on another novel. He also paints for recreation.Beyond his artistic endeavours James is interested in the stewardship of our environment, sustainability, renewable energy, gardening and permaculture. He lives on a small property in Gippsland in Victoria’s Strzelecki Ranges.He is currently working on a second novel.