My Story
Not Your Average Story With Pictures
Heard of South Beach Diet? Now here is
Floridas North Shore Diet
I am writing my story because it will help millions of people realize they are creating within themselves a degenerative situation that will impair their health and their future. Its sad to realize that 100 million Americans with high cholesterol have a greater risk of a heart attack or a stroke. Smoking affects the arteries and lungs. Smoking and high cholesterol compounds the problem and ups the percentages. It is reasonable that a company has funded advertisements to alert millions of Americans about the disaster of a newly acquired elephant upon their chest. This acquired pet will not go away! Ever! Being over-weight also adds even a greater risk of a stroke or heart attack. Obesity is the third and final accumulative factor. This book attacks all three issues; high cholesterol, smoking and obesity, by giving well-researched guidelines to counter these problems.
Spanning more then 50 years of my life, this is my story. With 85 full colored pictures, its a cookbook of sorts, a little different than most. This book is about quitting smoking, lowering your cholesterol and losing some weight at the same time. I had no idea what a task it would be until the ordeal was over. Hope you like it.
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I do know at this time