The startling truth is, one American dies of heart disease every 33seconds–almost one million deaths each year–and almostone in four Americans has one or more types of heart disease.However, it’s also true that it is possible to prevent, treat, and even reverse heart disease–and this plain Englishguide shows you how!
Heart Disease For Dummies is for anyone who has beendiagnosed with a form of cardiovascular disease, knows someone whohas, or who wants to learn more about staying h...
The startling truth is, one American dies of heart disease every 33seconds–almost one million deaths each year–and almostone in four Americans has one or more types of heart disease.However, it’s also true that it is possible to prevent, treat, and even reverse heart disease–and this plain Englishguide shows you how!
Heart Disease For Dummies is for anyone who has beendiagnosed with a form of cardiovascular disease, knows someone whohas, or who wants to learn more about staying heart healthy andpreventing the disease. Leading cardiologist Dr. James Rippedelivers the scoop on the many different forms of heart disease(including angina, heart attacks, arrhythmias, strokes, heartfailure, and other cardiac conditions) as well as the latestresearch, diagnostic techniques, treatment procedures, andmedications. You’ll discover how to:
* Recognize the risk factors and warning signs of a heartattack
* Determine if you h ave heart disease
* Distinguish between angina, heart attack, and stroke
* Maximize your cardiac function
* Find a good doctor and handle a managed care plan
* Reverse heart disease through diet, lifestyle changes, andmedications
Like the millions of others living with heart disease, you wantto take an active part in managing your health and feeling betterfast. This easy-to-follow guide explains how heart disease affectsthe body and shows you the steps you can take–along with yourdoctor–to improve your quality of life. With the expertadvice, simple diagrams, and valuable tips in this book, you’ll:
* Keep your blood pressure, cholesterol, and weight undercontrol
* Understand the common drug and medical treatments available fortreating heart disease
* Draw on the mind/body connection to reduce stress
* Interpret the risk factors you can control (physicalinactivity, hypertension, tobacco use) and the ones you can’t(heredity, age, gender)
* Form a true partnership with your doctor
* Explore cardiac rehabilitation programs
* Decide if alternative therapies are right for you
Featuring heart-healthy recipes and a list of resources to helpsmokers quit the habit, Heart Disease For Dummies is anindispensable resource for living well with this manageablecondition.