IMAGINE how pleasant our whole world could be−
Our families, communities, and our Earth−
If our societies were managed responsibly.
Humanity has everything we need to bring forth
World Peace and humanitarian societies−
Of equality, stability, and great comfort.
We can correct the mismanagement of our societies
By consciously uniting as One Worldwide Family.
By remembering our common identity
As fellow members of One Human Family
We can transcend elitists, who conquer and divide,
To heal world-relationships, and better our lives.
Take part in the new movement to establish world peace−and environmentally sustainable humanitarian societies. Together, using modern communications, humanity can cooperatively create a caring world of nonviolence, equality, stability, comfort, and abundance for all people.
Humanity already possesses all the knowledge, communications capabilities, technologies, and resources needed to establish world peace and ethical, abundant societies. But these assets are not being properly used by elitists who control our world. The results of this mismanagement are war, violence, poverty, homelessness, crime, and environmental devastation.
The One Family Movement is a complete, practical plan that the people of our worldwide human family can use to rapidly overcome the corruption and irresponsible mismanagement that are keeping our world from reaching its true potential.
To discover the exact causes of the problems that afflict our world societies−and lasting solutions−anthropological scholar and author Jay Deva has dedicated decades to extensive world peace research. Drawing also from the work of exceptional scholars, humanitarians, scientists, and activists, the resulting One Family plan consists of three phases.
PHASE ONE: is the communication period−to share and popularize the One Family plan and principles.
PHASE TWO: To transcend corrupt and misguided elitist governments, the people of our united human family cooperatively create and adopt new humanitarian One Family systems, such as the shared essentials policy, the non-essentials credits system, Regional and Local One Family Councils, and others.
PHASE THREE is a new beginning−of harmony and environmental sustainability−for our worldwide human family.
Join the growing worldwide alliance that can accomplish this quantum leap for humankind−and save our planet.
We are all members of One Family. Welcome home.
The One Family Movement
A New Plan to Establish World Peace, Unity,
and Sustainable Humanitarian Societies
The One Family Movement: At a Glance
The One Family Movement – Summary Version
What Is World Peace?
The One Family Movement -Full Text-
Phase One: Unite
Communication Period (One Year)
1. The Central Idea: One Human Family
2. An Advanced Understanding of Oneness
3. Our Universal Human Relationship
4. Remembrance
5. Separation
The Consciousness of Scarcity and Its Effects
Tragic Effects of the Northern Disaster
The Northern Elitists
6. Elitist Control Techniques: Divide and Conquer
7. Healing and Re-unification
8. Collective Consciousness of the One Human Family
9. Cooperation and Nonviolence
10. The Intelligent Redirection of Resources
11. The Extinction of War
12. Fairly Sharing the Earth as One Family
13. Transcending Elitist Divide & Conquer Strategies
II. Phase Two: Reorganize
Transitional Period (2 to 3 years)
1. General Purpose of the Transitional Phase
2. Transitional Economic System
3. Transitional Economic System: Shared Essentials
4. The Benefits of Shared Essentials
5. Transitional Economic System: Non-Essentials
Non-Essentials Credits (NEC)
Honor System
Earned or Transferred
6. Non-Essentials Credits: 3 Levels of Earning
7. Non-Essentials Credits: Prices
8. NEC’s: Converting Money & Assets to Credits
9. Non-Essentials Credits: Record Keeping
10. A New Way of Thinking about Economics
11. Benefits of the Non-Essentials Credits System
Understanding Elitist Control Systems
True Economic Freedom
A Fair Economic System
12. One Family Regional Councils and Local
Community Councils
13. One Family Regional Councils (OFRC)
14. Purpose of the One Family Regional Councils
15. Local Community Councils (LCC)
16. A Different Way to Manage Our Societies
17. Assuming Responsibility
18. Earth Family
19. The Transformation of Industries & Institutions
20. One Family Service Organizations (OFSO)
21. Safety
Local Community Responsibility
Electing Safety Representatives
Avoidance of Violence
22. Conversion of Military Equipment, Industries
23. Fuel and Energy Production and Practices
24. Land and Housing Services Offices (LHSO
25. Industrial Practices and Chemicals
26. Coming Together Through Understanding
27. Beneficial Migration
28. Problematic Climate Zones
29. Healing the Northern Populations
30. Reversing Trends of the Northern Disaster
31. Modern Solutions via Ancient Cultural Wisdom
Poem: Hint
III. Phase Three:
A New Beginning
1. Nature, Family, and Community
2. A New Way of Thinking about Nature
3. The Earth Is Our Body
Ancient Cultural Wisdom
The Elitist Empire
Elitist Economic Systems
Recovering Our Ancient Cultures
Elitist Organized Religions
Our Environment
The Extinction of Wars
The One Family Plan
Mass Media and Alternate Realities
Message to Scholars, Scientists, and Technical
Regarding Military and Police
Compartmentalization of Information
Seeing the Bigger Picture Clearly
Divide and Conquer
Fake Elections, Pretend Governments
and Setup Wars
The Root Causes of Social Problems and Crime
Resistance to Reform
Final Comments
World Peace Forever (Author Age 8)