Welcome to the mind-expanding world of Lifeology!
It is beautiful to have the right thing to say at just the right time. Lifeology contains more than 750 words of wisdom learned the hard way, stumbled over, heard in passing, or generated out of thin air—all ready for you to share, quote, whisper, or tweet.
Lifeology is divided into more than two-dozen surprising and eclectic categories, including…
– Relationship lifeology
– Do-great-things lifeology
– Heartwarming lifeology
– Amusing-fact lifeology
– Lifeology for parents and kids
– Business lifeology
– Unexpected lifeology
– And much more You are allowed to have a favorite category, but do not miss the others. Feeling overwhelmed by numbskulls? Is it your job to rally the troops? Need your own inspirational nudge? You now have hundreds of trustworthy truths at your fingertips— ready to apply to life.
Om författaren
Jay Payleitner is one of the top freelance producers for Christian radio, producing Josh Mc Dowell Radio, Today’s Father, Jesus Freaks Radio, and Project Angel Tree with Chuck Colson. As a nationally known speaker, Jay has led marriage conferences and men’s retreats, keynoted fundraising events, preached at weekend services, and spoken at Iron Sharpens Iron events in ten states. He is a longtime affiliate of the National Center for Fathering and served as Executive Director of the Illinois Fatherhood Initiative. Jay has sold more than half a million books, including the bestselling 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad and What If God Wrote Your Bucket List? He has been a guest multiple times on The Harvest Show, 100 Huntley Street, and Focus on the Family. Track him down at jaypayleitner.com.