Through proper engagement, identity-based conflict enhances and develops identity as a vehicle to promote creative collaboration between individuals, the groups they constitute and the systems they forge. This handbook describes the specific model that has been developed as well as various approaches and applications to identity-conflict used throughout the world.
Conflict and Identity.- ARIA Contingency Model.- To Thine Own Self Be True -The Solo.- I and Thou- Duets.- Conducting (a): Intragroup Conflict.-Conducting (b): Intergroup negotiation and consensus building.- Sustaining the Change.- Experimenting with ARIA globally.- Engaging Identities in Conflict: Some Methodological Insights and Dilemmas.- Conflict and Visioning in Urban Violence and Peacemaking.- Converting Antagonism in to Resonance – Research and Training.- Viewing Identity Conflict through the Lens of Developmental Psychology.- Building Local Capacity in Identity-Based Conflict.- Spiritual Roots of the Four Worlds, and Healing the Enlightenment Rift for Conflict Transformation.- Applications and new directions of Creative Identity-Based Conflict Engagement.
Om författaren
Jay Rothman, Ph.D. has been an academic/ practitioner in the field of conflict resolution for the past 25 years. In the course of his career, Dr. Rothamn has worked with diplomats, business executives, opposing leaders of embattled communities, union leaders, school boards and superintendents, community activists and students around the world. He is a teacher, trainer and student of the art and science of conflict engagement and he has developed and taught two cutting edge methodologies for conflict engagement and collective visioning. Jay has lectured and taught around the country and the world, presented at many conflict resolution conferences and workshops.