Författare: Jean-Jacques Hublin

Shara Bailey: Shara Bailey is an Assistant Professor at New York University and a member of the Center for the study of Human Origins.  Her past appointments include Research Scientist at the Max Planck Insitutue for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig (Germany) and Post-Doctoral Researcher at The George Washington University, Washington DC.  She completed her Ph D in Biolgoical Anthropology at Arizona State University, Tempe in 2002. Dr. Bailey”s primary reserach interest is in addressing paleoanthropological questions from a dental perspective.  The major focus of her research has been Middle to Late Pleistocene hominns and modern human origins, but her research interests include early hominin and primate evolution as well. Jean-Jacques Hublin: Jean-Jacques Hublin, Ph.D., is currently a Professor at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig (Germany), where he also serves as the Director of the Department of Human Evolution. Initially his research focuses on the origin and evolution of Neanderthals and he has proposed an accretion model for the emergence of the Neandertal lineage that roots it in time in the middle of the middle Pleistocene. He also worked on the processes associated with the emergence of Homo sapiens and on the interactions between Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans in Europe. He developed the use of medical and virtual imaging in the reconstruction and study of fossil hominids and paid attention to the growth and development issues. He has led field operations in North Africa, Spain and France. In addition to his scientific papers, he has regularly published popular books (with translations in English, Italian, Spanish and Chinese) and articles on the subjects of Neanderthal and early modern human evolution. Significant past research and teaching appointments include: Researcher, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (1981-2000), Visiting Professor, University of California at Berkeley (1992), Harvard University (1997) and Stanford University (1999), Elected member of the French National Committee of Scientific Research (1991-2000), Professor at the University of Bordeaux (2000-2004), and Deputy Director for Anthropology, Prehistory and Paleo-environmental Sciences, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (2000-2003).

3 E-böcker av Jean-Jacques Hublin

Shara E. Bailey & Jean-Jacques Hublin: Dental Perspectives on Human Evolution
S. E. BAILEY Department of Human Evolution Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Deutscher Platz 6 D-04103 Leipzig, Germany and Center for the Study of Human Origins, Department of …
Jean-Jacques Hublin & Michael P. Richards: The Evolution of Hominin Diets
Michael P. Richards and Jean-Jacques Hublin The study of hominin diets, and especially how they have (primates, modern humans), (2) faunal and plant studies, (3) evolved throughout time, has long …
Jean-Jacques Hublin & Shannon P. McPherron: Modern Origins
Over the last decade, Africa has taken a central position in the search for the timing and mechanisms leading to modern human origins, and the rich archaeological and human paleontological record of …