Jeff Sims is a naturalist who grew up in a rural, wooded setting in New York. He was an enthusiastic Boy Scout, attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. He holds a B.S. degree in Biology and a M.S. in Environmental Science. Jeff is now retired and lives in Connecticut with his wife, Yvonne. He first discovered the Allagash Wilderness Waterway at age 40 when supervising a Scout canoeing trip. He found it to be the most amazingly beautiful, nature sanctuary he had ever experienced. Furthermore, it provided a sense of remoteness and the feeling of being truly off-the-grid. Almost every summer through to today, Jeff has returned to the Allagash to canoe, camp, explore and photograph. Astonishingly, very little ever changes at the AWW. Its as if this paradise is in a time capsule; sites are as pristine now as they were on his first trip. This book is the culmination of all those adventures as well as a helpful guide to future Allagash paddlers.
3 E-böcker av Jeff Sims
Jeff Sims: Discovering the Allagash
This book is the ultimate guide to the Allagash Wilderness Waterway (AWW) because it covers every aspect of the canoeing/camping experience from the skilled eyes of a seasoned camper, accomplished ca …
Jeff Sims: Earth Conundrum
The Alliance is desperate to avoid a war with an enemy that outnumbers them. To alleviate their personnel shortage, Captain Solear embarks on a mission to evaluate humans’ fighting potential. The res …
Jeff Sims: Spindle Station
The Hiriculans have moved a gigantic space station to the very edge of neutral space. It is in the perfect location to spring a surprise invasion on Alliance territories. The Alliance must determine …