Properties of Matter for Grades 3–5 from Hands-On Science for British Columbia: An Inquiry Approach completely aligns with BC’s New Curriculum for science. Grounded in the Know-Do-Understand model, First Peoples knowledge and perspectives, and student-driven scientific inquiry, this custom-written resource:
- emphasizes Core Competencies, so students engage in deeper and lifelong learning
- develops Curricular Competencies as students explore science through hands-on activities
- fosters a deep understanding of the Big Ideas in science
Using proven Hands-On features, Properties of Matter for Grades 3–5 contains information and materials for both teachers and students including: Curricular Competencies correlation charts; background information on the science topics; complete, easy-to-follow lesson plans; digital reproducible student materials; and materials lists.
Innovative new elements have been developed specifically for the new curriculum:
- a multi-age approach
- a five-part instructional process—Engage, Explore, Expand, Embed, Enhance
- an emphasis on technology, sustainability, and personalized learning
- a fully developed assessment plan for summative, formative, and student self-assessment
- a focus on real-life Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies
- learning centres that focus on multiple intelligences and universal design for learning (UDL)
- place-based learning activities, Makerspaces, and Loose Parts
In Properties of Matter for Grades 3–5 students investigate matter. Core Competencies and Curricular Competencies will be addressed while students explore the following Big Ideas:
- Humans interact with matter every day through familiar materials.
- Materials can be changed through physical and chemical processes.
- Matter is useful because of its properties.
Introduction to Hands-On Science 5
- About Hands-On Science 5
- Format of Hands-On Science 5
- The Multi-Age Approach 6
- Inquiry and Science 6
- The Goals of Science Education in British Columbia 6
- Hands-On Science Principles 7
- Cultural Connections 8
- Indigenous Perspectives and Knowledge 9
- References 12
How to Use Hands-On Science in Your Classroom 13
- Multi-Age Teaching and Learning 13
- Module Overview 13
- Talking Circles 16
- Multiple Intelligences Learning Centres 17
- Icons 18
- Makerspaces 19
- References 20
Curricular Competencies: How to Infuse Scientific Inquiry Skills and Processes Into Lessons 21
- Observing 21
- Questioning 21
- Exploring 21
- Classifying 22
- Measuring 22
- Communicating, Analyzing, and Interpreting 23
- Predicting 25
- Inferring 25
- Inquiry Through Investigation and Experimentation 25
- Inquiry Through Research 26
- Addressing Students’ Literacy Needs 27
- Online Considerations 27
- References 28
The Hands-On Science Assessment Plan 29
- Student Self-Assessment 29
- Formative Assessment 31
- Summative Assessment 32
- Indigenous Perspectives on Assessment 33
- Connecting Assessment to Curricular Competencies 33
- Module Assessment Summary 34
- Important Note to Teachers 34
- References 34
- Assessment Reproducibles 35
What Are the Properties of Matter? 59
- About This Module 60
- Curriculum Learning Framework 64
- Curricular Competencies Correlation Chart 65
- Resources for Students 67
- 1 Initiating Event: What Do We Observe, Think, and Wonder About Solids, Liquids, and Gases in Nature? 71
- 2 What Can We Learn About Solids, Liquids, and Gases Through Stories? 77
- 3 What Do We Know About Matter? 82
- 4 What Are Some Properties of Solids? 88
- 5 What Are Some Properties of Liquids? 92
- 6 What Are Some Properties of Gases? 99
- 7 What More Can We Learn About Gases? 107
- 8 How Does Heat Affect Water? 113
- 9 How Does Heat Affect Matter? 121
- 10 How Do Different Substances Interact With Water? 126
- 11 How Do Substances Interact to Produce Gases? 131
- 12 How Can We Test the Solubility of Different Substances? 137
- 13 What Are Some Properties of Solutions? 142
- 14 How Can Solutions Be Separated? 146
- 15 Inquiry Project: What More Can We Learn About the Properties of Matter? 152
Appendix: Image Banks 157
About the Contributors 163
Om författaren
Melanie Nelson is from the In-SHUCK-ch and Stó:loˉ Nations, and has experience teaching kindergarten through grade 12, as well as adults in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia. She has taught in mainstream, adapted, modified, and alternate settings, at the classroom, whole school, and district levels. Trained as an educator in science, Melanie approaches Western science through an Indigenous worldview and with Indigenous ways of knowing. Her Master of Arts thesis explored the experience of Indigenous parents who have a child identified as having special needs in school, and she is currently completing a Doctor of Philosophy in School Psychology at the University of British Columbia.