A new social network! Here’s your user’s guide to Google+
Google+ is Google’s new social network and from day one it hashad the social media world abuzz with excitement. Early fans claimit’s easier to use than Facebook and Twitter and has a wealth ofcreative new features. If you want to learn how to navigate thisnew social neighborhood, take along Google+ For Dummies as yourguide. Early Google+ adopter and social media consultant Jesse Stayshows you how to get started, create a p...
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: Leaping into Google+ 5
Chapter 2: Boggling Over Circles and Privacy 27
Chapter 3: Posting to Google+ 43
Chapter 4: Hanging Out wit...
Om författaren
Jesse Stay is a social media technologist, consultant, and developer. He is the Founder and CEO of Stay N Alive Productions consulting agency as well as Social Media ...